Do I Need to Get Therapy?

Question by Jason: Do I need to get therapy?
So I’ll try to explain this as well as I can. At school, if I have to give a presentation that I don’t really look forward to, I’ll skip maybe a couple full days of school just so I don’t have to give that one presentation because I’m so scared of going up in front of the class and having everyone look at me.

One minute, I’ll be the most happiest and confident person in the world and feel like I can do anything, then all of a sudden, I’ll start feeling suicidal or have a need to inflict self-injury (which I haven’t done yet, luckily I guess). At school I can’t focus at all on doing my homework which has really really put my chances of graduating next month in huge jeopardy. I’ve grown up with an alcoholic father who doesn’t really understand, his method of “helping” me is either yelling at me, which in turn throws me into a rage fit, or he’ll say something along the lines of “You have no excuse to not do your homework” yadda yadda.

Even if I do graduate, I feel like I can’t handle the world sometimes. Like I’ve said, there are moments where I feel completely fine and happy and feel like I can do everything. I mean, if I can’t handle school, how could I handle trying to support myself, right?

Also, I don’t really feel the need to be too social. I have a few people whom I talk to, but I wouldn’t consider themselves close friends. I’ve also lost interest in most of the stuff that I used to love. Either I’m really happy, really upset, or really pissed off and I just can’t handle my own thoughts and feelings most of the time.

I’m not much of a drinker and I do not want to go down that path since my dad is and I know it’ll make things much worse. The only reason I haven’t gone to a doctor/therapist yet is because I’m pretty sure it isn’t cheap, plus any meds I’d be put on if I needed them. I’d talk to my siblings but they’re older and I feel like I’d be bothering them.

But yeah, sorry this is so long, I just needed to get some things out.

Best answer:

Answer by Linda M
Being a teenager probably isn’t helping you. You are only just learning that you will have to support yourself by getting a decent job, that adults can be just as messed up as teenagers and that life is not going to be easy all the time.
I am sorry that your father is like he is, that has to be hard. The only way you are going to get above it is to do your school work (as boring and as hard as it is) because that will set you free once you leave school.
Most people have ups and downs – even when they don’t have a father like yours to deal with. We all feel vulnerable and useless and lack of confidence. You just have to steel yourself and tell yourself that you can be strong and get through it, because it is a tough world and we all need to survive!

Talk to your siblings about it, about your father, your future – if they will listen – family should help each other emotionally and support each other, I would try talking to them about your concerns.

Expect to feel down sometimes, but if you start to have trouble coming up again from the low point then you may need professional help. Talk to a school counselor if they have one – maybe they can offer some tips on how to get through the tough times.
Good Luck!

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