Alcohol Signs: I Signed a Ticket That Did Not Have My Name on It…? What Should I Do? I Have Court.?

Question by Panfilo Alvarado: I signed a ticket that did not have my name on it…? What should i do? I have court.?
So practically, about a two months ago. I was stopped by a cop and told me that i hadnt done the two previous stop signs correctly. Although, i am not saying that it wasnt my fault but iam sure that i did the two stop signscorrectly. I had seen the police parked and therefore, i did my best while driving. i wasn’t going to go over the driving limit or anything simply because I SAW the cop parked.

The police said that he had seen us do the stop sign incorrectly, but that he had let us drive a bit further and that we had done another stop sign incorrectly. He stopped us about a mile AFTER he saw us doing the stop sign “incorrectly” as he says.

They then took me to the police station, and they took me inside. they did a research on me and they were confusing me with another person. Simply because the police was adding an extra letter to my name. they wrote up the tickets and everything and they wrote my name inccorectly. they said that i had a DUI but that is impossible because i DO NOT drink alcohol, smoke, or do drugs. they also told me that in my record that it appeared that i had lived in a different suburb. I have lived in the same neighborhood for about 13 years. In those thirteen years, i had never been stopped by the police expect in like one occasion.

Furthermore, on the tickets, my name is not spelled correctly. they are clearly mistaking me for another person. My mistake was that even though i saw that the person whom those tickets were going to be given to was not me, i signed them with my name, the way I spell it. At the moment i was nervous and since they were accusing me of major stuff that i had never done, it obviously made me more nervous.

The police that was with me the day i was arrested and taken to the police officer did not understand what i was telling him. I asked for someone that spoke spanish so that we could both understand each other better. He said that there was no one available at the moment and he continued to question me. I understand that this was not the right thing to do because i did not understand english that well and he STILL kept questioning me.

when i saw that the papers were not written with MY name, i told him that that was not my name. He replied with “yes, that is you.” he asked me repeatedly if that was me, and i showed him identification and yet, they did not change the name on the tickets.

As a result, i signed the tickets. Today when i went to court, the only thing that the judge said was “you need a lawyer.” the translater then told me in spanish. I then asked the translater why i needed to bring a lawyer and he replied, “you have to because the judge said so.”

Now, i have currently talked to a lawyer, but iam still confused about this? what are my options? Is this a big of a problem? how can i prove that the person in the tickets is NOT me? In general, what can i or what should i do?

thanks for answering.

Best answer:

Answer by Alf
bring in a lawery get a certfied copy of your birth certficate i belive they would just re issue the ticket any way if its spelled wrong your better of getting ask for a court appointed one. either that pay for it.

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