Alcoholism: Alcoholism Patient Gets High on Hand Sanitizer – All Headline News

Alcoholism: Alcoholism patient gets high on hand sanitizer – All Headline News
A man being treated at an Australian hospital for alcoholism found a way to get his fix.  He downed six bottles of hand sanitizer. The report, published in a letter on Sunday in the Medical Journal of Australia , has raised concerns and triggered calls …
Alcoholism – Bing News

Alcoholism: Jonathan Rhys Meyers hospitalized in London – USA Today
Tudors star Jonathan Rhys Meyers has had a rough couple of years, bouncing in and out of rehab for alcoholism and even being banned from flying on United Airlines because of his drunken antics. Now, the UK’s Sun is reporting that the 33-year-old Irish …
Alcoholism – Bing News

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