Hell Joke Haha Tell Me if You Get It?

Question by EmM: hell joke haha tell me if you get it?
ok these three guys go to hell
and the devil comes up to them
he turns to the first one
and asks him wat he is in hell for
the first guy replies “i was an alcoholic”
so the devil locks him in a room full of unlimited alcohol for 100 year.
he turns to the second guy and asks him why he is in hell and the second guy replies “i cheated on my wife”
so he locks him in a room full of unlimited beautiful women for 100 years.
then he asks the third guy why he is there
the third guy replies “i was a stoner”
so he locks him in a room full of unlimited weed for 100 years………………………….
he comes back 100 years later and opens the door for thw first guy.
he crawls out piss drunk n slurrs “im never drinking again!”
he opens the door for the second guy.
he runs out screaming ” IM FUKKING GAY!”
he opens the door for the third guy…
he looks in and the third guy is sitting there crying…
the devil asks him wats wrong….
he turns and asks “do you got a light man?”

Best answer:

Answer by hizwife
lol i get it

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