Confusing Depression With Mental Instability

Confusing depression with mental instability

Depression is a state of being sad and its symptoms are almost visible and it varies from person to person. For example the Symptoms Of Male Depression will be different from that of females. This mental disorder sometimes becomes a threat to the person’s life. The frequency, duration, and severity of these symptoms will vary depending on the individual. Also different people react differently to signs of depression. Some signs and symptoms that can occur include:

Anger, Persistent sadness, the feeling of being “empty”, and anxious,  Changes in sleep patterns (insomnia, in particular during the early hours of the morning, or oversleeping which is also known as hypersomnia, Loss of interest in everyday activities,  Appetite or weight changes (a significant weight gain or loss, by more than 5% of body weight), Irritability or restlessness,  loss of energy, concentration problems, unexplained aches , and pains, frequent thoughts of suicide or death or even killing others.

Loss of weight and loss of appetite is very common with people suffering depression. Depression hampers with the person’s feelings and ability to judge. This is a serious case and makes him regret the violence that he causes due to depression. We must never be left alone or must never feel that he is lonely and that nobody is helping him. Instead try to say things that encourage him and prevent him from causing harm to himself or any others. When people are depressed they mostly harm themselves but if the depression is due to distraction from any other person then this is very dangerous for the other person. The depressed person might thus have thoughts of murder and bloodshed.

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