5 Signs of Alcoholism You Must Intercept to Avoid Living With an Alcoholic

5 Signs Of Alcoholism You Must Intercept To Avoid Living With An Alcoholic

The signs of alcoholism are often ignored in the early stages until it becomes apparent that you are living with an alcoholic. No matter how much you love someone or want to take care of them, dealing with an alcohol addiction is a situation no one can really prepare for.

As the signs of alcoholism develop and become recognizable in an individual, family and friends can often think back in time and remember the exact signs of alcoholism that they never realized or did not think it was something they should address immediately. Instead of allowing the almost certain end result of living with an alcoholic, learn the top 5 signs of alcoholism that you can interrupt in the beginning stages and prevent yourself or someone you love from dealing with an alcohol addiction.

1. High tolerance for alcohol is one of the signs of alcoholism that are always left undetected. Many people occasionally drink a bit too much during a holiday or random celebration over the weekend. However, when people begin to increasingly need more and more alcohol just to experience the effect of the alcohol they are usually developing number of signs of alcoholism at the same time.

2. Becoming unsociable. Alcoholics are not usually social drinkers; instead, they would rather drink alone. The people who are living with an alcoholic would sometimes notice that the craving to drink has become so strong that the alcoholic finds it hard to focus or think about anything else. Very commonly, they will turn down spending time with family and friends unless the event or celebration actually involves alcohol.

3. Changes in appearance and health. When living with an alcoholic you must remember that alcohol is a drug and for alcoholics the brain becomes dependent on the drug over time. As the alcohol cravings advance nausea, tremors, irritability, loss of coordination and other physical alcoholic symptoms may become evident. Their eyes can become sunken and red rimmed while the skin can turn sallow and dry scaly patches can occur. Many alcoholics will lose a large amount of weight. Alcoholics also tend to neglect their physical appearance and may have a shaggy beard, raggedy hair and wear rumpled ill fitting clothing.

4. Risky behaviors. As the disease continue to develop, you can experience the changes in the behavior of someone controlled by alcoholism. These changes in behavior are sure signs of alcoholism. They may get behind the wheel of a car while under the influence even when they are dealing with legal consequences; they may fail to show up to work or pick up the kids from school and will often not have a valid reason for their absence.

5. Memory loss. This is one of the advanced signs of alcoholism. When consuming large quantities of alcohol, someone with an alcohol addiction can fall unconscious and will often wake up without any recollection of what they have done. Some may remember their actions but feel guilty or regretful over what their obsession with alcohol leads them to do. Under the grip of the drug, an alcoholic’s personality can alter, resulting in verbal or physical abuse.

By recognizing the signs of alcoholism early, you can quickly get started on learning an approach that will get the one you love the help they need before the addiction becomes all consuming. Although living with an alcoholic can feel hopeless the key to getting out of this nightmare is the right knowledge put into action urgently!

The Signs of alcoholism must be closely observed when you suspect you might be living with an alcoholic. Knowing what to do and what not to do when dealing with an alcoholic will always give you positive, desirable outcome. I have found some great information related to the signs of alcoholism and living with an alcoholic. You can read more about it here =>

Article from articlesbase.com

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