Choosing to Change: A Client-Centred Approach to Alcohol and Medication Use by Older Adults

Choosing to Change: A Client-Centred Approach to Alcohol and Medication Use by Older Adults

Choosing to Change is a practical handbook for staff of health and social service agencies, people working in addiction treatment programs, and anyone who comes into contact with older adults who have problems with their use of alcohol and/or psychoactive medications.The book uses brief case histories to illustrate the distinct nature of alcohol and medication use among people in this age group. It includes a monitoring form that can help people keep track of their drinking, and answers questions such as: Why are different treatment options needed for older adults? How can the signs of problems with alcohol or medication use be distinguished from the signs of aging or age-related illnesses? How does alcohol interact with commonly prescribed medications? Which strategies work best to overcome an older person”s resistance to change?

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