Alcoholism Statistics – Recovery a Serious Matter

Alcoholism Statistics – Recovery A Serious Matter

Often times alcoholism is simply overlooked. Many people seem to believe Alcoholism and its affects on users and their family is somewhat of a laughing matter. However just  a cursory glance at some alarming statistics paint an entirely different picture.

According to a recent ATF study:

• 25.9% of underage alcohol abusers (i.e. underage alcoholics) drink 47.3% of the total amount of alcohol consumed by drinkers under the legal age.

• Drinking excessively year after year may cause pancreatitis, or an inflamed pancreas. Side effects of pancreatitis include extreme abdominal pain and abnormal weight loss. These can lead to death.

• Alcoholism improves a drinker’s odds of developing cancer of the throat, larynx, liver, colon, kidneys, rectum, and esophagus. It may also contribute to immune system irregularities, brain damage, harming an unborn baby, and cirrhosis of the liver.

• An estimated 43% of US adults have had someone related to them who is presently, or was, an alcoholic.

• 3 million US citizens older than 60 abuse alcohol or require it to function normally.

• Close to three times the amount of US males (9.8 million) abuse, or are dependent upon, alcohol than females (3.9 million).

• A survey of over 450 American alcohol abusers revealed that the vast majority of them did not grow up with a father figure in their households.

• 6.6 million minors in the US live with an alcoholic mother or father.
• About 14 million US residents battle an alcohol addiction.

• Greater than 50% of grownups in the US have had knowledge of someone in their immediate family with an alcohol problem.

• Just under 13.8 million US adults have issues with alcohol, and 8.1 million of them officially suffer from alcoholism.

And this list goes on and on. Alcohol treatment is a serious issue and one that families and users should take seriously. There are numerous quality alcoholism sites available that make dealing with alcohol addiction easier that ever.  If you or a friend is in need of help consult one of these sites today and start the journey to recovery.

An accomplished business writer James Guy holds a BA. in English from Dartmouth College.. He has written numerous articles profiling companies who have created change in industry and business.

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