Q&A: Is What My Probation Officer Told Me the Truth? It Made Me Depressed?

Question by Katie: Is What My Probation Officer Told me The Truth? It Made Me Depressed?
I was convicted of DUI at age 18. However, I completely quit drinking and how have a 3.8 GPA. I will be applying to law school the fall of my senior year.

Anyways, I asked my probation officer whether I could still be a lawyer even though I was convicted of DUI. She replied “Well, we do have a couple judges here that are alcoholics. (She insists that I am a raging alcoholic “in denial.”) However, those judges got DUIs AFTER law school so it was different.”

Her mentality is that it is okay for someone to get a DUI if it is AFTER law school and after being a prosecutor/judge. However, an admissions counselor at the law school that I visited claimed that it was the exact opposite. They say that some people make mistakes as teenagers but then they mature and grow out of it. They said that a DUI as a teengaer won’t be a problem but a DUI in law school or as a practicing attorney would.

What do you think? Who should I believe?

Best answer:

Answer by Killer Queen
Wow, what a bobo head she is! She should be trying to help you not sway you! Don’t listen to her. You’re doing great. You made a mistake but so do many really young people. You can put that behind you and make a wonderful life where you contribute quite a bit to society. Good for you!

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