Daddy Bill (Kill Bill Trailer Recut)

The trailer to the third volume of the fourth film by Quentin Tarantino, and his first feelgood, family movie. ‘Daddy Bill’ tells the story of Bill (David Carradine in his final role), the loving yet authoritative single father, and Arlene (Uma Thurman), his beautiful daughter. They are as close as father and daughter can get, until Arlene meets Tommy. The mercurial Bill disapproves of their marriage and leaves the country. Four years later, Arlene, now a divorced single mother, decides it is time for her daughter Charlene to meet her grandfather. She travels the world over in search of Bill, finding him in Japan. There, the two are reconciled and Bill, who knows that he is incurably ill, decides to make peace with his past, including his younger brother Budd (Michael Madsen), whom he will help in his quest as a recovering alcoholic. Bill also proves a wonderful role model to little Charlene. In his last months, he will show that there are no greater gifts than the gifts of forgiveness and love, a legacy his daughter and grand-daughter will make sure to put to good use, with the help of uncle Budd. A trailer recut by Jeremi Szaniawski. Narrated by Xander Dominitz. Special thanks to Michael Cramer and Michael Sarnoski. Extra special thanks to Lee Faulkner and the DMCA.
Video Rating: 5 / 5