Definition of Alcoholism

Definition of Alcoholism

To come up with the correct description of a given phenomenon, you must have all the facts right. It is not always easy to give a description that is all encompassing or one that captures the aspects of all that is being described, but it is always worth the trial. This is especially true for medical conditions or diseases that require treatment. It would not be possible to provide the right treatment for them if the right definition is not availed. 

Among the many diseases that are considered fatal is alcoholism. Its definition cannot be derived from few basic observations of a person taking alcohol and getting drunk. There are more and deeper factors to put into consideration like the duration of time for which the person has been taking the drink and what amounts they consume at such instances.

Many people have tried to come up with what they think would be the most fitting definition of alcoholism and among the few is one that states that it is a disease caused due to continuos and prolonged consumption of alcohol in large quantities and even depending on it in order to be productive. However, the level of dependency will vary from person to person.

This condition can also be defined as a condition in which a person entirely depends on alcohol to relate to people, meaning that he is unable to face his peers or colleagues if he is not under the influence of the drink. It has been discovered that alcoholism progresses in three stages; alpha, beta and gamma. This condition can however be treated if detected early enough.

Anne Wambura Gichuki Researches and Reports on Alcoholism. For More Information read more of her articles here Definition Of Alcoholism   You Can Also Add Your Views About Alcoholism On Merpetsales Blog Here   Definition Of Alcoholism

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