Do I Have a Problem

Do I have a Problem

Coming to except that reality there is an alcohol and/or drug problem is not something that people are comfortable doing. In fact, most people will completely reject that they may have a drug and/or alcohol problem. This is just not something that we as people want to believe. While it is easy for us to notice others may have an addiction, when we look at ourselves we usually do not recognize the addiction. The recovery rate of alcohol addiction is less than 10%; however when Ibogaine and/or Ibogaine treatment is used, the success rates exponentially improve. People who are heavy users of drugs and/or alcohol will normally claim that it is something they can control, or they can stop at any time. However, let’s be realistic for a moment; ask yourself the following questions to see if you notice any of these characteristics in yourself.

Questions to Ask Yourself

* Do I end up drinking more than I intended to when I drink alcohol?
* Does my drug and/or alcohol use have a negative effect on my work performance?
* As a result of alcohol and/or drug use, have I ever neglected my obligations?
* Has my alcohol and/or drug use ever got me into trouble with the law?
* Has my drinking or using ever caused me to get into trouble with family members?
* Are my days consumed with thoughts of using drugs and/or alcohol?
* Do drugs and/or alcohol take precedence over things that were previously important to me?
* Have my relationships been impacted by my use of drugs and/or alcohol?
* Has my drug and/or alcohol use affected my financial status in a negative way?
* Have I suffered a health any complications due to my drug or alcohol use?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you are probably already aware that you have an alcohol and/or drug problem.

Overcoming Alcohol and/or Drug Problems

Upon coming to the realization that you are suffering from an alcohol or drug problem, what will you choose to do about it? In order to successfully recover from a drug and/or alcohol addiction, you’re going to have to make some huge changes in your life. The first big change begins with admission into a quality drug or alcohol rehab. Accept your drug problem and accept the help you need to fix it. Leading experts in addiction recommend researching Ibogaine and Ibogaine treatment as a viable treatment for alcohol addiction.

Beau Mason is the Program Director of Hacienda La Mision, which is a Mexico based Ibogaine medical center; specializing in addiction treatment of all types. Hacienda La Mision is the world’s leader in Ibogaine treatment and patient care. For more information please visit &

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