10 Things I Hate About Alcoholism and Addiction

10 Things I Hate About Alcoholism and Addiction


My own Drug and Alcohol Abuse took me into the world of Depression and Alcohol withdrawal symptoms and treatment. Something I cannot recommend. The phrases ‘Dead Man Walking’ and ‘At the End of the Road’ come to mind. Just looking at my Blog’s photos should scare the daylights out of you. Even I sometimes have to remind myself that shell of a man was me.

So here I am now. 2009 dawns and I have survived. Believe me folks I have to pinch myself sometimes. But here lies the crux of the matter. If I could do it so can you. The human spirit is an amazing and resiliant force of nature. That primal urge and desire to survive is always there. Buried very deep sometimes but all the same it is there. You just have to find it.

I come out of it with a list of things I hate about Alcoholism and Depression. Let me share them with you. Hopefully we can all learn something from my experiences.

I lost years of my life. I was alive and on this glorious earth, but only just. I drifted through these years in a bubble of confusion and despair. Boy does it taste sweet now.

So many people were insulted, offended, disgusted, surprised, shocked and devastated by my very presence and actions. To all these good souls thank you for carrying me through.

What is it about all that stuff that comes out of your body? At my very worst I poured liquids and slime from every possible part of my body. Even writing this makes me feel uneasy. How could I end up like that?

How is it possible to feel so bad due to Alcoholism and Depression? Take a dose of flu, malaria, migranes, sleeping sickness, gastro revolution and TB and you are just about on a par. You will feel so bad that you will eventually believe it is all a horrible nightmare.

Your Drug and Alcohol Abuse will introduce you to the dark world of Depression and Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms and Treatment. Trust me when I say that you do not want to know about these mothers. Fancy Electric Shock Therapy or been knocked out for 10 days in a hospital bed? Well keep up your addictions and they will come calling sooner or later.

As your depression and addiction behaviour becomes more and more obscure you can force your loved ones to rely on ‘Tough Love’. Threats to leave you or force you into rehab will intensify as they see you disintegrate before thier very eyes. What a terrible choice you have forced upon them.

On the material front you might as well be in a time-warp. You are standing still in terms of your business and social lives. In many cases as these monsters take hold you can end up losing everything. We all have different gutters. Be aware that you might absolutely end up in a gutter. You deserve better.

The reality of never drinking again is going to have to be dealt with. You could wel have to navigate through 50 or 60 years with these demons on your back. I wish I had stopped earlier and maybe this Xmas day I could have a glass of champagne.

In my efforts to get my favourite poisons I would do almost anything. Alcoholism and Depression will turn you into something that you are not. A devious, sly and cunning opportunist. Lies, theft and deception are your new character traits. The word ‘relaxation’ will become unfamiliar to you. No matter how you appear on the surface on the inside you are slowly dying. At no time will you feel content and at ease with the world spinning around you.

I apologise if this article leaves you feeling a little uneasy. That was the object. My own version of ‘Tough Love’. Drug and Alcohol Abuse means there is a price to pay. Depression and Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms and Treatment is not a pleasant journey. All those days of numb acceptance will have to be faced sooner or later. From an old hand. Do not go there.



Middle aged Estate Agent from Margate South Africa. Suffered through Alcoholism and Depression and now like to write about them. See my own Recovery and Addiction Blog at http://alcoholism-alifesentence.blogspot.com or email me at [email protected]

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