Alcohol Abuse Destroys LivesAlcohol Abuse Destroys Lives

Alcohol Abuse Destroys LivesAlcohol Abuse Destroys Lives

You may have heard of or even have witnessed the effects of alcohol abuse yourself. The problem is widespread and really quite common.

I was listening to the radio and there was a story about alcoholism in Russia. The average man’s lifespan in Russia is a mere sixty years. This is directly attributed to widespread alcohol abuse among men in Russia.

However, that may seem far away for you. I only brought up that story to point out that alcoholism is very devastating. Again, you have probably witnessed a few sad cases yourself.

I remember a sad story that a sailor told me once. He sort of shed some tears when he told it to me. He said that when he was a teenager some of his friends and himself found a drunk man and they started kicking him and beating him. He said that the man died.

The point of telling you this is not to make you sad or to horrify you, it is really only to help illustrate how profound the consequences of drinking excessively can be.

Once, I remember meeting a young woman and her boyfriend. About 8 months later I saw her again. Only this time her face was horribly scarred. She told me the story of how they were in a car accident after he had been drinking. She said he voluntarily put himself into rehab after that.

Again, the point is that there is hope and that it is best to get into rehab sooner, rather than later. Many people would benefit from hearing a few stories like these.

Really, this problem is very widespread, there are many people who are addicted to either drugs or alcohol. The stories are very abundant.

If you have ever been to a party, you may have witnessed someone drinking to excess. Typically, it is even thought to be fun to drink until you throw up and then drink some more. This is really a shame.

The after effects of drinking can be fairly severe. Hangovers are not at all uncommon. But the worst thing is that when you are out of control, you may not remember the embarrassing and sometimes horrible things you may have done.

You can read more stories of alcohol and drug abuse.

Read more on the topic of drug and alcohol abuse at


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I’m very happy that I have enough sense to make my own decisions and that I don’t rely on the government to tell me what is right for me.



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