Want to Stop Drinking? Try Online Alcohol Help

Want to Stop Drinking? Try Online Alcohol Help

Is it a New Year resolution or a birthday promise that you are going to quit drinking this year or at least cut back your alcohol consumption? A good place to spend your time instead of a bar is the Internet. There are already studies that show that free alcohol help online have positive effects on reducing the problems caused by alcohol.

In one research, it is found out that heavy drinkers successfully cut off 30% of their alcohol consumption by using a free alcohol help website. The drinkers are said to maintain their reduced alcohol consumption for the next six months. These websites are usually free, do not oblige a user to give out personal information, and can be used by public. The result of online help or counseling is as good as the result of a quick personal counseling.

According to the study, the people who used the website are considered problem drinkers. Before using the website, their normal consumption of alcohol per week is about 22 drinks. They are considered to be risking their health with such amount of alcohol but are not rigorously dependent. With the 30% reduced alcohol consumption of these people, they are already moved out from the health dangers caused by alcohol. In fact, if your alcohol intake is reduced from 22 to only 14 drinks per week, you are still in the moderate range based on US government standards. In case of women, it is recommended that they take only seven alcoholic drinks per week.

It is not yet actually determined which parts of the websites are significant that motivates a person to change his drinking habits. It is assumed that convincing the people to take some time to take an actual count of their weekly alcoholic drinks is a very important step. Some of the websites give information of what people of their same gender and age normally drink and how many.

Experts think that the population norms can affect the drinker psychologically like knowing that you are drinking more than the 95% of people who are at the same age range and sex like you and knowing the cumulative amount of money you waste every week can be an eye opener. Also, these websites display colorful and well-interpreted graphs and charts and information about the different effects of too much alcohol to various parts and organs of the body.

Also, it helps that a person is less intimidated by seeking online help than going to a formal counseling or treatment where he or she is diagnosed and sometimes labeled as socially undesirable like being called alcoholic. There is a tendency that a confrontation between counselors and clients leads to a raised brick wall for the treatment and it can make the client drive to take a drink or even use other drugs.

Alcohol help websites are not for every person, certainly. If the problem of a drinker is already very serious, totally quitting can be the only safest route and it means more thorough treatment is needed. However, if you can still control yourself and you have the commitment, these websites can help you to be more self-aware of what alcohol can do to your life.

Grab your free information on alcohol help, a Free 4 Day Ecourse and a Free Ebook called “7 Tips For Quitting Drinking” then go Now to http://www.quit-drinking.info

Article from articlesbase.com

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