My Big Friggin’ Wedding. Ever Heard?

Question by From the Sun: My Big Friggin’ Wedding. Ever heard?
I don’t understand this show. It’s about Italian getting married and it basically documents the process beforehand. The women are either submissive, high-maintenance, or desperate (I don’t know why they’d settle for that man because he’s obviously showing early signs of a dysfunctional husband kind of type). The guys are typical douche-bags who are out getting drunk and expecting their wives to submit to their desires just because “it’s traditional”. They’re so hung up on gender roles that they can’t even discern their own douche-baggery. I quote from a guy off of this show: “If you aren’t going to cook for me when you get home from work there’s going to be big problems!” The wife complained during that episode but she STILL did it!

The show is on VH1 and I want to know why there’s this sudden influx of italian-oriented shows that play on stereotypes and basically make all Italians look bad? Are these married-to-be couples really real? I can’t even fathom how one would go through this wedding when even watching ONE episode of this show would make me lose complete faith in marriage, period! Yes, it’s that bad! I also forgot to mention that, according to me, the couples show NO sign of even loving each other.
If you have low-tolerance for constant fighting I may suggest you not watch this show because you may end up being bald because of the strong urge to pull your own hair out of your friggin’ head i.e. if you have hair to begin with!

Best answer:

Answer by J
None of the nitwits on these so-called reality tv shows are real. One girl on that Big Friggin Wedding show I recognize from ANOTHER reality show.

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