Alcohol Abuse: Hitting the Mommy Juice Too Hard? Experts Warn of Alcohol Abuse by Moms –

Hitting the mommy juice too hard? Experts warn of alcohol abuse by moms –
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

Hitting the mommy juice too hard? Experts warn of alcohol abuse by moms
In a survey, almost 40 percent of respondents said drinking helps them cope with the stress of being a parent and more than one-third said they have mom friends who they think have a problem with alcohol. Wine is the beverage of choice, with …

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Fraternity Group Will Study Hazing, Sexual Assaults, and Alcohol Abuse – Chronicle of Higher Education (subscription) (blog)
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

Fraternity Group Will Study Hazing, Sexual Assaults, and Alcohol Abuse
Chronicle of Higher Education (subscription) (blog)
The North-American Interfraternity Conference said on Monday that it would convene three independent panels to study ways to combat hazing, alcohol abuse, and sexual assault on college campuses. Each panel will consist of eight to 12 members in fields …



Mobile app may help people recovering from alcohol abuse: study – Reuters
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

Mobile app may help people recovering from alcohol abuse: study
He and his colleagues write in JAMA Psychiatry that only about one in four people recovering from alcohol abuse abstains from drinking alcohol during the first year of recovery. Past studies have found that continuing treatment for alcoholism is linked

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Northern Territory has ‘paternalistic, dictatorial approach’ to alcohol abuse – The Guardian
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

The Guardian

Northern Territory has 'paternalistic, dictatorial approach' to alcohol abuse
The Guardian
The Northern Territory government has a “paternalistic, dictatorial approach” to treating alcohol abuse, say two members of a federal inquiry into the issue. It has been dismantling successful grassroots alcohol treatment programs in favour of

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