Alcoholism and Its Effects: Dual Effects Noted for Alcohol and Energy Drink Co-Ingestion

Alcoholism And Its Effects in the News

Dual Effects Noted for Alcohol and Energy Drink Co-Ingestion
Filed under: alcoholism and its effects

Although consuming alcohol mixed with energy drinks increases alertness and may negate some intoxication-related sedation effects, it can lead to negative physiological and psychological side effects associated with overstimulation, according to a …


Effects of stopping alcohol consumption on subsequent risk of esophageal cancer
Filed under: alcoholism and its effects

The fact that the authors of this paper did not have data permitting the separation of ex-drinkers and never drinkers (both groups being included in the "non-drinker" category), and their inability to judge the effects of the baseline pattern of …


Proteins tied to hunger also implicated in alcoholism
Filed under: alcoholism and its effects

“Given the importance of the central nucleus of the amygdala in alcohol dependence, we wanted to test ghrelin's effects in this region,” Maureen Cruz, first author of the study, said. The peptide ghrelin is best known for stimulating eating through its …


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