What Is the Real Reason Alcoholics Anonymous Condemns the Use of Personal Willpower?

Question by abnjim5: What is the real reason Alcoholics Anonymous condemns the use of Personal Willpower?
In consistance with my continuing inspection of AA doctrine, I am convinced that these cultists use the “willpower” issue to indoctrinate desperate drug addicts (alcohol is a drug) into their midst. Interestingly, AAers believe that the use of willpower can only lead them to another drink of alcohol, relapse, and a life of addiction. To further their recruit strategy of the unsuspecting “newcomer”, they tell him that he is in “denial” if they disagree with this concept.

Unfortunately, there is no shortage of AAers in this US society and the world. Afterall, we need people of this mentality to keep the Bush’s in office and the 30 million of them vote Republican! But wait, perhaps human willpower can be used for the good and stop the warring or is that not possible without a “higher power”.

Oh Jesus, save me! Save me from the predator AAers!


Best answer:

Answer by Jason
not sure

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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