Hi, I Am Addicted to Sex/porn Etc, I Am Getting a Bit Scared Because I Don’t Know How to Get Over It?

Question by FocusedFuture: Hi, I am addicted to sex/porn etc, I am getting a bit scared because I don’t know how to get over it?
I am addicted to
porn, sex , bj, hj , etc…
Whenever I am in a bad mood My mind automatically goes into addiction “mode”. I just lost my job and I can’t concentrate on job search and I am scared that If i am in a bad mood I will lose control and go after any kind of “sexual activity” with a women from the streets and end up with a deadly disease.
It has happened to me before and I don’t want it to happen anymore.
But I just don’t know What To Do.
I am very depressed.
I moved away from new york because I was getting sick of my parents. They are a very violent/dysfunctional people( mom and dad ) .
which is why i moved away to survive. But it seems like I have a lot of symptoms that came out of the abusive enviornment I was living in.
Recently I lost my job here in texas and I have been applying for food stamps, unemployment etc..( nothing seems to be fruitful so far ) .
On top of this I am most scared of the sex addiction.
I don’t want to get any diseases which is what I am mostly scared of.
The more I try to forget it – I JUST CAN’T!! I it seems like whenver I am in a bad mood ., my mind switches on “Addiction Mode”.. I want to overcome this…
I dont know what to do …
I really don’t..

Best answer:

Answer by Hailey
go to rehab

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