Posts Tagged ‘What’

Teens Under the Influence: The Truth About Kids, Alcohol, and Other Drugs- How to Recognize the Problemand What to Do About It

Teens Under the Influence: The Truth about Kids, Alcohol, and Other Drugs- How to Recognize the Problemand What to Do about It

New – Written for parents and caregivers, this book explores the dangers of teen drug and alcohol abuse. Based on scientific research and accounts provided by teenage drug abusers, this book covers such topics as how to recognize an abuse problem, what types of treatment are available, and what can be done to help children remain sober.

Price: $ 3.99
Sold by Alibris

What Is Tylenol?

What Is Tylenol?

Information about Tylenol

Don’t use more than the recommended Tylenol. An overdose of acetaminophen can cause serious damage. The highest amount of acetaminophen for grown up person is one gram (1000 mg) per dose and four grams (4000 mg) daily. Taking more acetaminophen could damage the liver. If you drink more than three drinks per day, talk to your family doctor before taking acetaminophen and don’t use more than two grams (2000 mg) daily.

Do not use this medicine without first talking to your family doctor; if you drink more than 3 alcoholic beverages per day then you suffer from cirrhosis (alcoholic liver disease).

Do not use other over-the-counter, cough, cold, and allergy, pain relievers without asking your doctor or pharmacist. Acetaminophen (sometimes called APAP) contained in multi-drug combination shortened. Read the label to use any other medicine to determine if it contains acetaminophen or APAP.

What Do You Think About the Disease/disorder Factor?

Question by Sara: What do you think about the disease/disorder factor?
Example … I don’t know if I buy into this “Alcoholism is a Disease” … ” Obesity is a Disease” … either as opposed to it being a character/personality disorder OR just lacking in Self Discipline?

Best answer:

Answer by ?
They classify them as diseases so people can get medical help with them. There are genetic factors that can make someone more prone to alcoholism, and endocrine factors that can effect obesity. There are other factors also, such as the breakdown of cognitive integration (marked by EEG incoherence between the frontal lobe and the rest of the brain) that keep people from being able to take the action necessary to fix their problem. The thing is, generally it never gets this far unless someone is just ignorant and undisciplined.

What do you think? Answer below!

How to Know What to Expect From Alcohol Detox With Dr Rodriquez and

Everyone should know what to expect from alcohol detox, there are some critical factors. First is, part of being safe is being comfortable if your not comfortable, it’s an indicator that probably your not safe. When your having withdrawal symptoms in all it feels bad but actually it’s telling you that your body is being damage and if being damage this is going to hurt you not only now but also for the future. The worst detox is actually cause major damage to the brain and it advances your alcoholism and makes you have the higher risk of relapse in the future, makes any future detox much more difficult and much more dangerous. So you should expect to be comfortable in your detox process if your not comfortable you need to tell somebody, a medical professional especially so that they can make adjustments. Adjustments for alcohol detox can be made easily. There is no purpose or benefit in toughing it out it will only hurt you and hurt your future. People should also expect to detox around 7-14 days or maybe longer depending on how long their history is, if you try to cut it short your just going to hurt yourself. You may still have withdrawal symptoms which is a major trigger to relapse or you can have major complications like a seizure. Most detoxes are cut short by insurance companies and hospitals and if that is a case for you make sure you seek medical help right after you leave the hospital so you could finish your detox with a medical professional as an outpatient
Video Rating: 0 / 5

What About “Blue Laws”?

Question by Zap: What about “blue laws”?
Zeeland, Michigan (just outside of Holland and south of Grand Rapids on the southern banks of Lake Michigan) is this little “Uber-Christian” town that does not sell alcohol. At all. Ever.

Interestingly enough, this particular town has a very high rate of alcoholism, drug addiction, teen pregnancy, and high school drop outs in comparison (per capita, of course) to other more “liberal” (and that term is used VERY loosely) towns in the same area.

And being “dry” helps how?

Best answer:

Answer by ZER0 C00L™
Apparently it’s better to ban it completely and watch people rebel themselves into oblivion rather than keep it highly moderated and keep citizens in check.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Should We Remain “friends” or Is That What We Even Are?

Question by godessoflight: Should we remain “friends” or is that what we even are?
A year ago in October dated a man and at the time he and I were both single because his girlfriend was dating other men and I as in an alcoholic abusive relationship. We dated for a month and then he went back to his girlfriend and I went back to my boyfriend. We kept in touch and talked online and I continued to have problems in my relationship (obviously) and so did he (she kept cheating). I finally got fed up and I left my boyfriend and he did the same. He and I have both been really lonely at times and we have leaned on one another quite a bit. The problem is that we thought about dating again and he shows all the signs of WANTING to be in a relationship with me. I was supposed to show up to his house one night and I wasn’t able to and I had no way of contacting him and he was REALLY worried. I mean to the point where he couldn’t sleep and the people that he worked with were concerned. He thought something bad had happened to me and he said he couldn’t deal with it. It he didn’t want to leave the phone or the computer until I had gotten a hold of him. I finally got to leave him a number to reach me at and he called me and told me he was honestly scared and that he loves me. When I finally made it down to visit him things went fine at first and he initiated all the hugging and kissing etc. By the time I left though he said that he didn’t think he was ready to be in a relationship and that he and I should probably just remain friends and that he didn’t expect me to wait for him to get over his ex. So I have started dating and he says it makes him really jealous but that he honestly doesn’t want to end the friendship and that he can’t live without me but he’s still not ready for a relationship. I haven’t dated much as I got married when I was 17 and when that one ended I went straight into another one. He told me not to wait for him because he’s not sure when he’ll be ready to date or what will happen once he is. He DID tell me that if he were ready though that he KNOWS he would be able to love me and care for me in a way that I have always deserved to be. I am so confused… If someone could offer some advice I would DEEPLY appreciate it….