Posts Tagged ‘What’

What Are 3 Short Term Complications of Diabetes Mellitus

What Are 3 Short Term Complications Of Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes mellitus is a disease produced by insufficient insulin or insulin resistance. There are mainly two types of complications of diabetes. Short Term Complications and long term complications. Here we will discuss short term complications of diabetes.

Short Term Complications

Hyperosmolar NonKetotic Coma

Hypoglycaemia Causes:

Hypoglycaemia is seen when patient’s blood glucose level falls too low. The causes of hypoglycaemia are

1- Insufficient intake of meal, specially after taking glucose lowering drugs or insulin.
2- Excessive dose of Insulin or Sulphonylureas may cause hypoglycaemia as well.
3- Excessive exercise can also lead to hypoglycaemia specially those who are on antidiabetic drugs. By doing exercise glucose goes into cells and glucose level in blood decreases.

Hypoglycaemia Symptoms:

Has George W Started Drinking Again? What Will the Consequences Be?

Question by Boring: Has George W started drinking again? What will the consequences be?
The man is an acknowledged “recovering alcoholic” but i read today that rumors persist in the US and UK at senior level that Bush has resumed drinking. (Andrew Stephen in New Statesman)

Will a lame duck president determined to be remembered as a strong leader make a reckless move?

Please only reply if you have a serious comment. This is not a party political thing.

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Healthscouter Asthma: Asthma Symptoms and What Causes A

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What Are My Rights in a DWI Minnesota, and What Responsibilities Do I Carry?

What are My Rights in a DWI Minnesota, and What Responsibilities do I Carry?

When you’re charged with a DWI in Minnesota, you may think that you don’t have many options. And while the penalties for a DWI in Minnesota may be harsh, you do still have some rights and aren’t just a third party in the case, nor should you be treated like one. But, before you know what your rights are in a DWI Minnesota, you should also know what your responsibilities are.


What to Expect When Getting a Social Work Masters Degree

What To Expect When Getting A Social Work Masters Degree

There are a lot of things that you will need to prepare yourself for whenever you are going to get a social work masters degree. Make sure that you understand what to expect when it comes to the time frame, after graduation and how to choose the best programs for you. Whenever you are able to get the information that you will need to know what to expect first hand you will really be able to make plans that you can stick to.

A master in social work is something that can be very rewarding as long as you are willing to put in the hours and hard work that will be required.
Time Frame

What Is Alcoholism?

What Is Alcoholism?

It can be difficult to define alcoholism because everyone has a different idea of what an alcoholic is and how they expect them to behave.  Alcoholics are not always down and out and begging on the street for money for booze.  More often than not, they are functional; they hold jobs and have families.  One thing that distinguishes an alcoholic is that their desire to drink tends to get in the way of their everyday life and the lives of those around them.  Alcohol substance abuse can start early in life or later, depending on the individual and their particular circumstances.  Many people who have a problem drinking start early on in life,  during their teens, and use alcohol as a drug to make them feel more confident and also to mask other problems.