Posts Tagged ‘What’

My Moms an Extremely Verbally Abusive Alcoholic- What Can I Do? Help!?

Question by Jacob Kwierant: My moms an extremely verbally abusive alcoholic- what can i do? help!?
Ever since i was 13 years old, my moms been drinking more, and more all the while getting more and more abusive to me. My parents got a divorce when i turned twelve and thats when her drinking started. When i was 13, she got so drunk she couldnt remember where she dropped me off at (skating rink) ( she thought she dropped me off at the movies) and left me to walk home (took me till the next morning to get home). She says i remind her of my father and she hates it. She will start huge arguments and trap me, saying i have to either do this or that or I have to pack my bags and move to my dads (who she knows i hate, he is also very abusive) or I have to go to a boarding school. It makes me so angry when she says this, that i end up screaming back as loud as i can. Then she just turns the whole situation around on me as if its my fault im so angry. She hangs up on me, cusses at me, calls me names, and constantly threatens to call the cops. Not too long ago she did, and had me arrested for domestic assault, saying this is “the last straw” or that “she cant handle my shit anymore”. Of course the cops dont listen to a WORD i say about how SHE was the reason i was so angry. Its constantly hurting my social life, self esteem and confidance. Its even causing me to have anger problems with my fianc’e and friends. She constantly tells me im “disgusting” for not wanting to ever go do “family” things with her, when OF COURSE i dont want to when shes so cruel! IS this some form of abuse that she is always trapping me saying either i do this or that or i have to live with my dad, or she will call the cops etc.? if so how can i prove this to someone. Shes VERY good at playing it off to the judge as if im a psychologically impaired teen to the judge, cops, my father, her friends because i get so angry. However its truly the HUGE mental strain that she puts on me that causes me to get so angry. She drinks every night until she passes out (and denies ever drinking). Everytime im in a position to be heard (court, therapists office, wherever) nobody listens to me. They only listen to her and her telling them “how bad of a kid i am”. It has even driven me into a cycle of suicide and depression in the past. The only thing keeping me sane right now (im 17) is my fianc’e and god. I have a feeling this is all alcohol related, but she DENIES her alcoholism (the wost/ scariest kind of alcoholic). Help i dont know what to do anymore, especially since its turning me into a very bitter person to all the people who only want to help me (fianc’e friends). please help

Freemasonry Inside-Out: What the Masonic Ritual Is Really About.

Freemasonry Inside-Out: What the Masonic Ritual is really about.
Ex-Worshipful Master’s astonishing insight into the world of Freemasonry. ‘Freemasonry Inside Out’ is an authoritative, well argued, comprehensively sourced and an extremely well written account of the questionable purpose of the Masonic ritual.
Freemasonry Inside-Out: What the Masonic Ritual is really about.

CentsAbility an e-course on investing
To live the life you choose, you Must take charge of your financial life. When you have cash in hand, cash in the bank and cash in investments, you can live true to yourself and negotiate your life. Learn Investing Basics with CentsAbility
CentsAbility an e-course on investing

Mi Hijo Se Droga, ?Qu? Hago?: Help! My Child Is Using Drugs! What Can I Do?

Mi Hijo Se Droga, ?Qu? Hago?: Help! My Child Is Using Drugs! What Can I Do?

Used – Learn to detect early signs of drug abuse and symptoms to avoid addiction. Read signs of danger and ask for professional help. Learn how to help a dear one when becoming involved with drugs.

Price: $ 14.41
Sold by Alibris U.K., Inc.

Healthscouter Asthma: Asthma Symptoms and What Causes A

Most popular what causes symptoms eBay auctions:

TA: What Do You Think of “alcoholic” as a Game?

Question by TnT: TA: What do you think of “alcoholic” as a game?
to recognize this game is it important to find the player called rescuer?

Can we say that every alcoholic is playing this game?

What is the best antithesis? ..
the one proposed by Eric Bern in his book (to refuse playing his game) isn’t tough?


Best answer:

Answer by Tennessee Mom
Not funny, yet life threatening and very serious

Add your own answer in the comments!

Understanding Depression: What We Know and What You Can Do About It

Understanding Depression: What We Know and What You Can Do about It

Used – This accessible reference covers all that readers need to know about depression: its symptoms and causes, its effects on individuals and families, and methods for treatment.

Price: $ 0.63
Sold by Alibris U.K., Inc.