Posts Tagged ‘SYMPTOMS’

Schizophrenia Symptoms: Avolition

Schizophrenia Symptoms: Avolition

Shot on 16mm with a Bolex for ACM111 at Deakin University. Avolition is a psychological state characterized by general lack of desire, drive, or motivation to pursue meaningful goals.

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Symptoms and Causes of Depression: Teen Depression? Antidepressants?

Question by Go Ask Alice: Teen Depression? Antidepressants?
I honestly feel like I have clinical depression. I have almost all of the symptoms including sadness, hopelessness, irritability, frequent crying (especially at night), withdrawal from family and friends (especially friends and classmates), loss of interest in normal activities, over-sleeping, over-eating, feeling worthless, lack of enthusiasm and motivation, lack of energy, constantly feeling tired/”out of it”, difficulty concentrating, and even thoughts about death/suicide.

I just feel down ALL the time and I have no friends, literally. I do exercise and eat pretty healthy, but there doesn’t seem to be enough endorphins produced by exercise.

I have told my sister who is very close to me, and I plan on telling my doctor/parents in a few months… But I don’t exactly know how. Do I just be straight-forward with them and tell them or what? Just say “(insert person’s name here), I think I have depression.” ? Please help me, I don’t know what to say.

Signs and Symptoms of Addiction: How Do You Know When Your Addicted to Cigarettes?

Question by mello: How do you know when your addicted to cigarettes?
Ive been smokin cigs for like 5 months now. and im seein no signs of addiction?? like yesterday was at the movies, i musta smoked about 4 cigs and blunt. Today i wake up and im thinkin im immune to addiction because i have access to cigs 100% 24/7 but i feel absoutly no need to smoke? It may be because i dont believe that “addiction” is real…but how do you know when you are addicted? does your hands start shakin .. idk what the symptoms are

Best answer:

Answer by joannef
when your addicted you think about the cigerattes alot
you look forward to haveing one
you get cranky without one

What do you think? Answer below!

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Addiction Signs and Symptoms: I Need Serious Psychiatric Help… Possible Diagnosises? Anything?

Question by Display_Name: I need serious Psychiatric help… possible diagnosises? Anything?
When I was 15, I was assessed by a psych as showing strong signs of PTSD and ADD and it was advised I receive immediate consultations with a regular psychiatrist and have a regular therapist. I wasn’t informed until I was 21 of the results of that assessment. As I was under Children’s Aid’s Care, no further action was taken to get me the help I obviously needed. Now I’m 23, and have been out of the system for some years. I am not in any financial position to get the help that I need. I was wondering if anyone has any advice. I also want to post a list of my most common and debilitating “symptoms” or “problems” so that anyone with similar problems can write me back and tell me what they were diagnosed with, or lead me in a direction to research.

Symptoms and Diagnosis: Interview With Dr. David Sugarbaker, MD About Mesothelioma

Symptoms And Diagnosis: Interview with Dr. David Sugarbaker, MD about Mesothelioma

Video of an interview with Dr. David Sugarbaker, MD about mesothelioma, from Information on class action lawsuits, class action attorneys, and more from and http
Video Rating: 0 / 5

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Stress Signs Symptoms: People Laugh at Stressed Zoo Elephant

Stress Signs Symptoms: People Laugh At Stressed Zoo Elephant

This is a poor stressed out zoo elephant. People laugh at it and poke fun through ignorance, and say its head-bobbing is some sort of elephant dance! Please help campaign to keep wild animals out of poky and unnatural little cages / enclosures that cause this sort of psychological stress! Source:

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