Posts Tagged ‘substance abuse’

Marathon Bombing Study Makes Link Between Brain and Trauma

Signs Symptoms Alcohol Abuse in the News

Marathon Bombing Study Makes Link Between Brain and Trauma
Filed under: signs symptoms alcohol abuse

From previous psychological research, they knew that people who were abused or traumatized as kids have much higher rates of depression, anxiety, and substance abuse. “And we want to understand why that is the case,” McLaughlin says. “What is it …


Do You Know a Functional Alcoholic?
Filed under: signs symptoms alcohol abuse

My stepfather was another one too…a functional alcoholic, he would go into work, my mom would drive to pick him up from work with a 30 pack in the car and the minute he gets in the car he would open up a beer and begin drinking until he passed out …


Schizophrenia prognosis most effective with early diagnosis, integrative
Filed under: signs symptoms alcohol abuse

Fears of a Clone: Shivery 'Orphan Black' Returns

Alcohol Abuse Images in the News

Fears of a clone: Shivery 'Orphan Black' returns
Filed under: alcohol abuse images

Alison, a soccer mom with a husband, two kids and a drinking and substance abuse problem who forms a kind of triumvirate with Cosima and Sarah to battle forces that may be trying to control them. In season two, Alison, wracked with guilt over the part …


Judge's decision makes history
Filed under: alcohol abuse images

The couple had separated for a few weeks just before the stabbing. But Orzias and his cousin suddenly reappeared a few days before the incident and wound up staying with Knott at her new apartment and drinking alcohol. [email protected].


Tri-Valley: Livermore program teaches helpful parenting skills
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Alcohol Abuse: Alcohol Screening Day Sheds Light on Drinking Problems

Alcohol Screening Day sheds light on drinking problems
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

The Fort Belvoir Army Substance Abuse Program offered community members a chance to evaluate their drinking habits at an information booth in the Fort Belvoir Exchange April 10 during National Alcohol


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Elizabeth Drug Alcohol Rehab Video

Elizabeth Drug Alcohol Rehab Video

Call Elizabeth Drug Alcohol Rehab 24/7 Hotline 844 829-3961 Need an Elizabeth Alcohol & Drug Rehab? Call us Now 24 Hours a Day at: 844 829-3961. The Best Alc…


UB researchers granted .7M to study alcohol treatment
Filed under: alcohol abuse alcoholism

Researchers at the University at Buffalo Research Institute on Addictions (RIA) received the five-year grant from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, part of the National Institutes for Health (NIH). Paul Stasiewicz, PhD, senior …


Exercise may help treat alcohol dependence, study shows
Filed under: alcohol abuse alcoholism

Aerobic exercise is associated with reduced alcohol consumption in individuals with alcohol dependency, University psychiatrists showed in a new study published in the Journal of Substance Abuse and Treatment. Aerobic exercise may improve outcomes for …


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Alcoholism Information: Assemblyman Wants Full Study on Gambling Addiction

Alcoholism Information in the News

Assemblyman wants full study on gambling addiction
Filed under: alcoholism information

A survey conducted by the state Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services found that 5 percent of adults, 668,000 people, in New York exhibited problem gambling behaviors in the past year. Cymbrowitz, D–Brooklyn, said … He added that if the …


Family Health Matters: Help for today, hope for tomorrow during alcohol
Filed under: alcoholism information

Held every April, this initiative — themed “Help for Today, Hope for Tomorrow” — seeks to create awareness about alcoholism, reduce associated stigmas and educate about its treatment and prevention. The facts on underage drinking. Underage alcohol …


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Alcohol Abuse Facts: In the U.S. We Treat Our Emerging Adults as Infants and Get Infantile Behavior as a Result. True or False?

Question by Minski: In the U.S. we treat our emerging adults as infants and get infantile behavior as a result. True or False?
Two twenty year olds can’t even drink champagne (legally) at their own wedding. Europeans, who have little to no minimum drinking age limits have virtually NO binge drinkers. Whereas the bullheaded U.S., the country with the highest drinking age on the goddamn planet, has alcohol abuse among under 21s up the ying yang. Are we right?

Best answer:

Answer by Danger
You’re correct. I agree with you.

It’s sad that an 18 year old US Soldier can fight, and die in Iraq. But he cannot celebrate his return with a shot of Whiskey.

This country is ridiculous!!!!!

What do you think? Answer below!

The 49ers' Aldon Smith Is Arrested at LAX After Talking About a Bomb
Filed under: alcohol abuse facts