Posts Tagged ‘substance abuse’

Bipolar and Alcohol Abuse: Sentencing Delayed for Man Who Left Children Behind After Sycamore Crash

Bipolar And Alcohol Abuse in the News

Sentencing delayed for man who left children behind after Sycamore crash
Filed under: bipolar and alcohol abuse

Colpen, 34, of DeKalb, has a checkered history: He's been to prison twice and faces up to 18 years in prison after he pleaded guilty to retail theft and obstructing justice. He started drinking and doing drugs around age 13, when his mother divorced …


Amanda Bynes 'does suffer from bi-polar disorder and schizophrenia'
Filed under: bipolar and alcohol abuse

But the lawyer pointed out she was never had a substance abuse problem. 'She's never had a history of abusing alcohol or hard drugs,' he said. Instead the former brunette has been talking out her troubles. 'Amanda continues to undergo outpatient …


How Video Games Can Improve Dialogue on Mental Illness
Filed under: bipolar and alcohol abuse

Alcohol Top Reason for Treatment

Alcohol top reason for treatment

New research shows alcohol outstrips all other drugs, as a reason for people seeking treatment in rehab. See more at


Despite Obamacare promises, little help for substance abuse patients
Filed under: treatment of alcohol abuse

The nation's health law has promised sweeping changes to help millions of people with drug or alcohol addiction get treatment. Many unable to afford services in the past now can receive them without first landing in jail or an emergency room, health …


ACA Brings Mental Health and Substance Abuse Treatment to Millions
Filed under: treatment of alcohol abuse

While the ACA now requires insurers selling plans on the online exchanges to offer substance abuse treatment and “mental health parity,” these changes may not translate into effective or immediate help for everyone. But the experts interviewed for this …

Health Project

health project

about alcohol lol.


Tennessee Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Agrees to Resolve False Claims
Filed under: alcohol abuse health

WASHINGTON—The Department of Justice announced today that CRC Health Corp. (CRC) has agreed to pay $ 9.25 million to the federal government and the state of Tennessee to settle allegations that CRC knowingly submitted false claims by providing …


'Prinking' and car-bars show how drinking culture is changing
Filed under: alcohol abuse health

“But the majority of Irish people who drink – and there are significant numbers who don't drink at all – are drinking at levels that are damaging to their health.” But Kathryn D'Arcy, director of Ibec's Alcohol Beverage Foundation of Ireland, said most …


More Alcohol Abuse Health Information…

Event Aims to Educate Parents, Teens on Substance Abuse

Event aims to educate parents, teens on substance abuse

Dozens of parents in Sarpy County learned about ways to help keep teens away from alcohol, drugs and synthetic drugs Tuesday.


Where the Hell Is My Frozen Toy?!
Filed under: alcohol abuse video

Michael Egan III, the 31-year-old man accusing X-Men director Bryan Singer of sexually abusing him as a teenager, says he considered committing suicide as he struggled to come to terms with what he alleges happened to him. … director “manipulated his …


CNN Blames Pot and Slow Police, but Not the Colorado Husband Who Shot His
Filed under: alcohol abuse video

But neither of those pulled the trigger, and since there is an epidemic of women murdered by intimate partners in this country at 3 per day, it's a bit important to identify this SYSTEMIC and ONGOING problem. So let's break it down. Even the headline …

Signs and Symptoms of an Alcoholic: I Really Like a Guy but I Daren Tell Him…what Do You Think?

Question by JennyR: i really like a guy but i daren tell him…what do you think?
were good friends but lately ive been feeling really attracted to him..but all we seem to do is get smashed together..we have shared a bed together a couple of times but jst end up passing out wrecked..we are both party animals! a few weeks ago we had a kiss and cuddle and just the other nite the same happened..but no sex i guess we were both so wasted. but now i think maybe he just isnt attracted to me..but maybe he is cos he kissed me??i feel really confused. i care about him a lot and i want something to happen between us but im too shy to say anything. he is always joking around and sometimes i just want him to be serious so maybe we could talk. do you think he has any feelings for me or is he just stringing me along??

Alcohol Abuse Women: Is the Increased Risk of Death Due to Alcohol Intake Greater for Women or Men?

Alcohol Abuse Women in the News

Is the Increased Risk of Death Due to Alcohol Intake Greater for Women or Men?
Filed under: alcohol abuse women

New Rochelle, NY —The increased risk of death associated with alcohol intake is not the same for men and women. A study that compared the amount of alcohol consumed and death from all causes among nearly 2.5 million women and men showed that the …


Standing Our Ground: Reproductive Justice for Marissa Alexander
Filed under: alcohol abuse women

From women dealing with substance abuse issues, to women living with HIV and AIDS, to women who are abused, incarceration rates among some of the most marginalized communities are increasing and even more harmful legislation is being enacted, …


Lindsay Lohan opens up about alleged sex list
Filed under: alcohol abuse women