Posts Tagged ‘Remedies’

Liver Diseases Treatment, Remedies for Liver Disorders

Liver Diseases Treatment, Remedies for Liver Disorders

Did you know that 10% of Americans are, or have been affected by a liver, biliary or gallbladder disease? A vast number of the millions of people suffering from liver disease are unaware of the extent to which it truly affects our society. The disease can remain undetected for years without pronounced symptoms. When symptoms do present themselves, they typically include nausea, jaundice, fatigue, depression, reduced libido, muscle aches, and more.

The liver is also an organ of fire, All Bhuta-Agnis( fire): Nabhasa Agni, Vayavya Agni, Tejo Agni, Apo Agni, and Parthiva Agni are all situated here. These agnis and Ranchaka pitta originating in the liver serve to break down substances into their respective elemental factors akasham(space), vayu(air), thejus( fire), ap( water), and prithvi(earth ) and distribute them to the appropriate tissues (dhatus) in the body.

Natural Cancer Remedies That Work.

Natural Cancer Remedies That Work.
The Most Effective Natural Cancer Remedies From Dr. Morton Walker.
Natural Cancer Remedies That Work.

Alcohol Abuse Revolution Complementary and Herbal Remedies

Alcohol Abuse Revolution Complementary and Herbal Remedies

ALCOHOL ABUSE REVOLUTION is the first book to explore the fascinating world of alternative medicine to reduce alcohol craving and consumption and prevent alcoholism. Commonsense tips, nutritional supplements and Western, Homeopathic, Chinese and Ayurvedic herbal remedies to curb drinking desire, elevate mood and promote physical, mental and spiritual balance so one no longer feels the need for alcohol are investigated. This revolutionary book finally adds a natural medicine school to alcohol abuse prevention and treatment and is a breakthrough for drinkers, alcohol abuse and healthcare professionals!

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Natural Health Cures – Natural Cures | Natural Cures and Alternative Remedies

Natural Health Cures – Natural Cures | Natural cures and alternative remedies
from Natural Cures | Natural cures and alternative remedies
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Dehydration ? Natural Home Remedies for Dehydration

Dehydration ? Natural Home Remedies for Dehydration

Dehydration can be defined as “the excessive loss of water from the body.” Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can lead to dehydration in various ways. Often, dehydration becomes the major problem in an otherwise self-limited illness. Fluid loss may even be severe enough to become life-threatening.

Dehydration occurs when you lose more fluid than you take in and your body doesn’t have enough water and other fluids to carry out its normal functions. If lost fluid remains unreplenished, you may suffer serious consequences.

Causes of Dehydration

One common cause of dehydration in teens is gastrointestinal illness. When you’re flattened by a stomach bug, you lose fluid through vomiting and diarrhea.

Excessive loss of fluid through the intestinal tract can happen when the intestine is “inflamed” or damaged, or when bacteria or viruses cause the lining of the intestine to produce more fluid than can be absorbed.

Bladder Cancer Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment Options, Life Expectancy and Natural Remedies

Bladder Cancer Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment Options, Life Expectancy and Natural Remedies

The complete and most comprehensive guide on bladder cancer. Every aspect of bladder cancer is discussed in pure layman’s terms for a better understanding.

The guide extensively deals with causes, symptoms, stages of the disease, diagnostic methods and treatment options including surgery, life expectancy of the patients and best natural remedies available.

I have written the ebook covering all the aspects of bladder cancer and accompanying health complications in a simple language

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Price: $ 9.00

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