Posts Tagged ‘From’

I Want to Get Partial Custody Taken Away From My Daughters Father, How Do I Go About That?

Question by zeppelindream: I want to get partial custody taken away from my daughters father, how do i go about that?
My babies dad is paid up on child support but he is also a raging alcoholic. He doesnt even ask to take her, it is his girlfriend. And most of the time, he doesnt even watch her or spend time with her. His girlfriend has told me that he sits there looks at my daughter and says “you are not my child”. Any help is great.

Best answer:

Answer by redpeach_mi
go back to court. that’s all you can do.

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Recovery From Addiction

Recovery from Addiction

Millions of people enter or seriously consider entering alcohol or drug treatment each year. In their understandable state of urgency, most first-time treatment seekers and their loved ones may rush to the first treatment option they encounter. They are unlikely to be aware of why one form of intervention would be a good choice for their particular problem or why some approaches may, under some conditions, actually be harmful. Lacking reliable information, they are unable to make informed choice

List Price: $ 14.40

Price: $ 14.40

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Inpatient Drug Treatment Can Cure You From Drug Addiction

Inpatient drug treatment can cure you from drug addiction

Drug addiction emerged as a curse on mankind long time ago and it is still continuing its business just like the old times. The impact of drug addiction has increase to a large extent as it has spread all over the world. Millions of people get addicted to some kind of lethal drugs every year and many of them die because of the effects of the drugs. Drug addiction can cause either intentionally or accidentally; the accidental cases of drug addiction are very unfortunate as people do not even realize when they get dependent on certain drugs and they have suffer the same fate like others. No matter what the reason for dug addiction is, either intentional or accidental, people have to face the same pain and suffer a lot because of this. Most drug addicted people often do not realize their physical or mental dependency on the drugs; they take it as a normal behavior. It is the close people of the addicts who have to act. If you find any person close to you getting addicted to drugs, you must get that person admitted in any long-term drug rehab; it is the only way to cure that drug addicted person.

The Disease of More: One Woman’s 25-Year Recovery From Alcoholism and Food Addiction Reviews

The Disease of More: One Woman’s 25-Year Recovery from Alcoholism and Food Addiction

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The Disease of More chronicles the childhood, young adulthood and current life experiences of Eleanor R., a woman who overcame great odds to recover from the diseases of alcoholism and food addiction. It is the true story of one woman’s journey toward becoming the person she always wanted to be, despite her disadvantaged upbringing and her early affliction with addictions that took her to places of extreme shame and humiliation. Eleanor is every woman who struggles with self medicatio

List Price: $ 11.95

Price: $ 10.18

More Alcoholism Addiction Products

Q&A: How Can I Stop My Friend From Drinking?

Question by ryandarkknight25: How can I stop my friend from drinking?
Ok one of my best friends, he is 17, not quite 18 yet. I how ever am 18 but let me explain my story. He’s been having a drinking problem a bit on and off for the past few years. He used to also smoke pot but he got past that and realized that was stupid. But we have been planning some stuff recently and all he keeps thinking about “will there be drinking?”, its like he is becoming addicted to alcohol and this problem has been long term, the past ones were short term. And I’m increasingly concerned about him the more he talks about this. Because I hear the earlier you become addicted, the likely hood that you will die prematurely increases drastically. He’s like one of my brothers and I don’t want him to be suffering but he acts like he is better off with alcohol than he was before. I need help, and yes I know what its like to be around alcoholics, my father was one, and an abusive one, and that may be one reason why I am doing this because I don’t want him to turn out like my dad!

Twelve Jewish Steps to Recovery: A Personal Guide to Turning From Alcoholism and Other Addictions

Twelve Jewish Steps to Recovery: A Personal Guide to Turning from Alcoholism and Other Addictions

Used – By presenting a Jewish perspective on The Twelve Steps and offering consolation, inspiration, and motivation towards recovery, this guide explains how the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous are relevant for Jewish people as well as Christians. Afterword on “Where to Go for Help” by The JACS Foundation (Jewish Alcoholics, Chemically Dependent Persons and Significant Others). Illustrations by Maty Grunberg.

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