Posts Tagged ‘drugs and alcohol’
Fighting Drugs in Schools by Parent Teen Connection
Fighting Drugs In Schools by Parent Teen Connection – Fighting Drugs In Schools by Parent Teen Connection Drugs are becoming the “In” thing to do and so many lives are af…
Riverside Treatment Center Announces Adult, Adolescent Programs to Tackle …
Filed under: drugs & alcohol abuse
A Riverside treatment center is announcing that new adult and adolescent programs aimed at tackling substance abuse issues, mainly drugs and alcohol, are now available for people living in Riverside and surrounding cities through Drug Addiction …
Drug Abuse Among Medical Residents On The Rise: Growing Number Of …
Filed under: drugs & alcohol abuse
Millions of Americans suffer from a substance use disorder (SUD) which can lead to various medical concerns such as psychiatric disorders or physical health complications. A common misconception surrounding the medical community involves physicians …
Family First: From Drug and Alcohol Abuse to Helping Others Overcome
Family First: From drug and alcohol abuse to helping others overcome
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse
A local man who turned around a life of drug and alcohol abuse is now using his experience to help other teens do the same through the Louisiana Teen Challenge program.
NDSU renews fight against substance abuse after missing goals set in 2009 plan
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse
FARGO – North Dakota State University set out in 2009 to curb substance abuse by students, adding more education about drugs and alcohol and more sober events to offer alternatives.
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Alcoholism Intervention: Valentine’s Day Intervention Cry
Valentine’s Day intervention cry
Another T & T show parody from the infamous intervention cry.
Paraguay: School violence causes concern
Filed under: alcoholism intervention
Pereira requested measures from the Adolescent Criminal Court, such as banning the two students from leaving the country and prohibiting them from consuming drugs and alcohol, as well as an order to remain at least 500 meters from Colegio Bautista. On …
What Works to Keep Teens From Drinking and Smoking
Filed under: alcoholism intervention
The research shows that this community-based and led intervention really does produce results. Children who were trained using the strategies in the Communities That Care program were tracked and all groups reported a decrease in delinquency, tobacco …
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Signs and Symptoms of Alcohol: Why Am I So Lazy and Tired Most of the Time?
Question by Raimon: Why am I so lazy and tired most of the time?
I feel like this during the day. When I wake up I feel alright but after I eat breakfast I feel lazy and tired. Even after I eat lunch I go back to being tired. This makes it difficult for me to get things done. I always just wanna sit or lay down. Idk if this is normal for my age, I’m 18 btw. It could be that I don’t get enough sleep or I’m just not eating right, I’m not sure.
Best answer:
Answer by Nausher
the only thing that can explain this is lack of exercise
go out….play some sport…try light gym….do something
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Hudson man not guilty in fatal crash by reason of insanity
Filed under: signs and symptoms of alcohol
Alcohol Abuse: Rise in Middle-Aged Drinkers Putting Strain on NHS
Rise in middle-aged drinkers putting strain on NHS
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse
Admissions related to drugs and alcohol now cost the NHS £607 million a year as more than half a million people are taken into hospital for emergency treatment
Middle-Aged Drink And Drug Abusers Put Strain On NHS
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse
People in their 40s have the highest rates of hospital admissions for drug and alcohol abuse, a review says. More than half a million people were admitted to hospital as an emergency in the last three years with serious health problems related to drink or drug use, health performance experts Dr Foster said. Of the 533,302 admitted since 2010, more than 120,000 were in their 40s. Of those, 60,738 …
A teetotaller’s tale
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse
Information Alcoholism: What Is AA’s Overall Success Rate?
Question by iDrink: What is AA’s overall success rate?
Has there ever even been a study done? Why is AA still using the 12 step program if it hardly works, most people only go once and
the 12 step is over 70 years old. It was also made up by a drunken businessman. I’m sure that there has to be better recovery programs than the archaic cult that is AA.
Best answer:
Answer by SoulDawg 4 UGA
My brother and mother are both in AA for drugs and alcohol. My brother started in 1996, and has been clean for 11 years. My mom started in 1997, and has been clean for 10 years. I don’t know what the overall success rate is, but it sure seemed to work for them, and their lives have become much, much better. Comparing to where they were a dozen years ago is like night and day…It all depends on the will of the individual. Some people just don’t muster enough strength to stay long. But the ones that can stay clean for like a year tend to remain successful.