Posts Tagged ‘disease of alcoholism’

Creativity, Madness and Drugs

Alcoholism Health Effects in the News

Creativity, Madness and Drugs
Filed under: alcoholism health effects

The author foregoes sleep, is driven to take daring risks, expands their imagination and embraces grandiose thinking. The crash of depression ending the …. The toxic effects of alcohol on the brain are quite well recognized. A Cambridge University …


Lions and Snakes and Ducks, Oh, My!
Filed under: alcoholism health effects

His office released a statement claiming he struggles “with the disease of alcoholism, and this led to an extremely irresponsible choice.” In his brief … Texas has floated an innovative defense to the Justice Department's attempts to get its voter …


Hangovers Get Worse When You're Over 40: Why Brain Activity And Liver
Filed under: alcoholism health effects

Mojo – November 2013

How To Prevent Alcoholism in the News

Mojo – November 2013
Filed under: how to prevent alcoholism

… than long-term jail time. Tuesday night, Radel released a statement apologizing to his family and blaming his troubles on alcoholism, a problem he said he would be able to get help with thanks to his arrest. He hasn't said whether he'll try to keep …


Understanding pneumonia – causes, symptoms,vaccine, prevention, treatment
Filed under: how to prevent alcoholism

Infection control measures can help to prevent the spread of any type of infection, including pneumonia. Frequent hand washing with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rubs can be effective.Because pneumonia is spread by contact with infected …


The Note's Must-Reads for Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Filed under: how to prevent alcoholism

Daughter of a Peritoneal Mesothelioma Victim Praises Her Lawyers

Daughter of a Peritoneal Mesothelioma Victim Praises Her Lawyers

mesothelioma lawyer, mesothelioma, mesothelioma attorney,mesothelioma lawsuit, peritoneal mesothelioma, mesothelioma treatment Drug Rehab Centers,Drug,Rehab,…


One Drink Too Many
Filed under: alcoholism rehabilitation

Tom, who worked for a trucking company as a driver salesman, recognized he had a drinking problem and sought leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act ("FMLA") to engage in rehabilitation. His employer granted the leave. As a condition for returning …


Florida Democrats demand Radel resign
Filed under: alcoholism rehabilitation

Radel will enter in-patient substance abuse treatment. He could serve six months in prison if he breaks … I struggle with the disease of alcoholism, and this led to an extremely irresponsible choice. As the father of a young son and a husband to a …


More Alcoholism Rehabilitation Information…

Alcohol Abuse in South Africa: Cape Town Changes Alcohol Law for Champagne Breakfasts

Alcohol Abuse In South Africa in the News

Cape Town changes alcohol law for champagne breakfasts
Filed under: alcohol abuse in south africa

Cape Town's authorities have been told they risk accusations of "cultural discrimination" after tweaking city bylaws aimed at curbing alcohol abuse to allow for champagne breakfasts. The liquor by-law was introduced in 2012 and proposed bans on the …


Rep. Trey Radel takes leave of absense after pleading guilty to cocaine
Filed under: alcohol abuse in south africa

"I struggle with the disease of alcoholism, and this led to an extremely irresponsible choice," said Radel, who's serving his first term in the U.S. House. "Believe me, I am disappointed in myself, and I stand ready to face the consequences of my …


Four Unexpected Wine Regions Worth Visiting
Filed under: alcohol abuse in south africa

Alcoholism Disease: US Congressman Radel Arrested for Cocaine

Alcoholism Disease in the News

US congressman Radel arrested for cocaine
Filed under: alcoholism disease

"I struggle with the disease of alcoholism, and this led to an extremely irresponsible choice," he said. "I am disappointed in myself, and I stand ready to face the consequences of my actions." The charge carries a maximum of 180 days in prison and/or …


Florida Congressman Charged With Drug Possession
Filed under: alcoholism disease

In a statement expressing regret, the 37-year-old Republican freshman lawmaker said he struggles with alcoholism and intends to seek treatment and counseling. Radel made no mention of his political future but said he had made an “extremely …


Report: Radel nabbed in federal sting
Filed under: alcoholism disease

What Is Really Going on With Demi Lovato? No Insults Toward Her Please, Just Answer…?

Question by ??????: What is really going on with Demi Lovato? No insults toward her please, just answer…?
I’ve heard that she cuts herself, she does drugs, that she’s pregnant, and has a problem with alcohol… Does anyone know any of them that are true? Or what is really up? My friend said that she hear on 3 different radio stations that she does cocaine but I don’t know if to believe that or not…. thanks in advanced?

Best answer:

Answer by Hannah
nnnooooo dont believe everything they say she only knows

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tea Party Florida congressman to be arraigned on drug charge
Filed under: alcoholism problems

In a statement Radel apologized to his family and constituents in southwest Florida, saying that he struggled "with the disease of alcoholism, and this led to an extremely irresponsible choice." Radel, a freshman member of Congress who calls himself a …