Posts Tagged ‘Cures’

Sin as Addiction – 1989 Alcoholism Problems and Cures

Some recent addiction alcoholism auctions on eBay:

SIN as ADDICTION 1989 Alcoholism Problems and Cures

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Nosebleed ? Symptoms and Cures

Nosebleed ? Symptoms and Cures

Nosebleed is common in dry climates during winter months, and in hot dry climates with low humidity. Individual taking blood clotting medications, aspirin, or antiinflammatory medications may be more prone to nose bleeding. Other factors that contribute to nosebleed are trauma (including nose picking), rhinitis, high blood pressure, and alcohol abuse. Treatment depends on the severity of the condition.

Everyone experiences a nosebleed from time to time. The cause may be an impact to the nose, but many times the nose bleeds because of nasal congestion due to a nasal allergy, strep throat, a sinus infection, or a cold that irritates and weakens the delicate nasal lining.

Most nosebleeds occur on the tip of the nasal septum, the tissue that separates the two sides of the nose. The septum contains many fragile, easily damaged blood vessels. This form of nosebleed is usually easy to stop. Less commonly, nosebleeds may occur higher on the septum or deeper in the nose. Such nosebleeds may be harder to control.

Natural Fertility Cures

Natural Fertility Cures
How to get pregnant fast and overcome infertility
Natural Fertility Cures

Common Cures for a Hangover

Common Cures for a Hangover

The morning after a night of heavy drinking, you may be sicker than you ever could have imagined. Despite the fact that alcohol has been around for thousands of years, few real remedies have been discovered. However, it seems that since humans love to imbibe, many interesting remedies have been created.

For instance, in the middle ages, raw eel was included in concoctions. Even today, remedies are slightly strange – for instance, at 3 AM when you should be sound asleep in your bed, you may stagger home for a cold shower and black coffee – and then wonder why you feel terrible in the morning. So, what remedies actually work? Here are some of the tried and true methods that you can give a try for yourself.

Student and Graduate Advice on Hangovers and Hangover Cures

Student and Graduate Advice on Hangovers and Hangover Cures

The exact reason we suffer hangovers is not wholly understood. Invariably the pounding head is caused by dehydration. Symptoms like nausea and general grouchiness – are probably due to other stuff that goes into modern day drinks. The effects of the demon drink is an issue some people take very seriously. A journal published by the American College of Physicians reported hangover-induced absenteeism and poor job performance costs the US economy about 8 billion a year.

If you have a hangover now you probably care less about the cause or reason and more on a potential cure. Well we’ve toured the information available and come up with ten likely or even unlikely things you may want to try.