Posts Tagged ‘binge drinking’
Alcohol Consumption Study Shows Disturbing Trends Among NS Youth
Is Binge Drinking Alcoholism in the News
Alcohol consumption study shows disturbing trends among NS youth
Filed under: is binge drinking alcoholism
The study by the Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness has found that youth are drinking before they become teenagers, and binge drinking is often encouraged by peers. According to the study, alcohol use by Nova Scotians increase by 17.6 per …
Alcohol – A Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?
Filed under: is binge drinking alcoholism
In general, the dangers of alcohol are most evident when we indulge in more-than-moderate drinking, and when we also engage in binge drinking (e.g. not drinking all week, and then drinking more than the acceptable limits in one night). Alcohol drank in …
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I Downed Paint Stripper to Get High: Recovering Alcoholic, 50, Couldn't Stop …
Heavy Drinking Alcoholism in the News
I downed paint stripper to get high: Recovering alcoholic, 50, couldn't stop …
Filed under: heavy drinking alcoholism
After decades of heavy drinking she had to cut down rather than stop drinking suddenly and got support with group therapy, counselling and voluntary work organised by WCADA. Then last year Jackie, who has been re-united with her sons since going …
Alcoholic liver disease on the increase in young women
Filed under: heavy drinking alcoholism
Setting a minimum alcohol unit price would reduce deaths and cut hospital admissions among heavy drinkers but have almost no impact on those who drink moderately, a British study has found. Fixing the minimum price to 45 pence (82¢) per unit would …
State liquor commission urges bar-entry age at 21
Filed under: heavy drinking alcoholism
Women Alcohol Abuse: Middle-Aged Men Are at Greatest Risk of Suicide
Women Alcohol Abuse in the News
Middle-aged men are at greatest risk of suicide
Filed under: women alcohol abuse
“However, the loss of life of middle-aged men and women is a priority because these are our highest-risk groups . . . In 2011, just over 550 deaths were … Also men with a history of alcohol abuse, and relationship breakdown. Oftentimes a number of …
'Their faith keeps them clean': Homeless people who go to church better resist …
Filed under: women alcohol abuse
Homeless people who regularly attend church or other religious ceremonies are less likely to consume alcohol, cocaine and opioids, suggests a new B.C. study that argues religious practice should be better incorporated into substance-abuse treatment …
Sex Assaults at Evangelical Colleges, the United Nations, and the Vatican
Filed under: women alcohol abuse
Research on Alcohol Abuse: Research Confirms: It's Time to Ditch School Drug Tests
Research On Alcohol Abuse in the News
Research Confirms: It's Time to Ditch School Drug Tests
Filed under: research on alcohol abuse
Binge drinking is a particular problem, with 22% of teenagers reporting that they binge drink. This can cause a fall in grades, poor school attendance and a range of health problems including alcohol poisoning. One key way to prevent alcohol abuse …
Dangers Of Energy Drinks: Consumption May Lead Teens To Alcohol And Drugs
Filed under: research on alcohol abuse
Researchers marked any association between beverage consumption and each participant's use of alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs while adjusting for any other lifestyle factors that could play a role in substance abuse. Teenagers who admitted to using …
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Alcohol Abuse Definition: Decoding Angel DNA…?
Question by Robert Goerman: Decoding angel DNA…?
When I asked — “Is science impotent when it comes to human and animal encounters with mysterious lights, objects, and OtherWorld beings?” — several emotional replies defended the integrity and purity of “Science.”
Heaven help those innocent eyewitnesses who stumble across UFOs and “aliens” or “monsters” or “ghosts.” There will always be learned “experts” and “men of science” who just know that all these phenomena are delusions or alcohol-related and act accordingly. Like most of us, they demand a logical and rational accounting for every claim and occurrence. Unlike most of us, where no accounting is available, they invent one, with neither investigation nor specific cause. I have named this perpetual reaction by some individuals to the unexplained and unknown the CUTE (Compulsive Urge To Explain) factor. Despite the acronym, ridicule in the name of science is not pretty.
Alcohol Abuse: Josh Abbott Reveals Alcohol Abuse, Infidelity via Twitter – the Boot
Josh Abbott Reveals Alcohol Abuse, Infidelity Via Twitter – The Boot
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse
Josh Abbott Reveals Alcohol Abuse, Infidelity Via Twitter
The Boot Josh Abbott Band front man Josh Abbott stunned his fans on Friday (Feb. 7) by taking to Twitter to confess some very private problems. The Texas-based country star spilled his guts about his struggles with alcohol and infidelity in a series of posts … Josh Abbott Shares Struggles With Alcohol Abuse, Infidelity During Twitter … |
Children as young as nine admitted to hospital for alcohol abuse – STV Glasgow
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse
Children as young as nine admitted to hospital for alcohol abuse
STV Glasgow CHILDREN under 10 are being admitted to city hospitals for alcohol abuse. Underage drinkers are risking their safety and health at the time they consume alcohol as well as also their health in later life An Evening Times investigation today reveals … |