Posts Tagged ‘alcohol addiction’

Drug Rehab Center for Addiction Treatment

Drug Rehab Center For Addiction Treatment

Hope By The Sea is an alcohol and drug rehab center located in southern california. We are an addiction treatment center in San Juan Capistrano speciallizing…


New Adolescent Helpline in Kenilworth Aids Search for Substance Abuse
Filed under: drug and alcohol abuse articles

LIGHTNING RELEASES (4/3/2014)- Teenage drug and alcohol addiction is a serious issue throughout New Jersey. Countless adolescents in Kenilworth, NJ battle substance abuse on a daily basis. Unfortunately a large percentage of young people suffering …


Alcohol Awareness Month: Alcohol is the deadliest drug for teens
Filed under: drug and alcohol abuse articles

April is National Alcohol Awareness Month and this year's theme is “Help for Today, Hope for Tomorrow.” Gov. Scott Walker has proclaimed April as Teenagers Drinking Alcohol Awareness Month for the state of Wisconsin. Focus on Community and the …

BWW Reviews: Lucas Tackles Addiction in ODE to JOY

Alcoholic Enabler in the News

BWW Reviews: Lucas Tackles Addiction in ODE TO JOY
Filed under: alcoholic enabler

And perhaps the slyest part of Craig Lucas' new play of alcohol addiction, Ode To Joy, is that it comes off as a cute romantic comedy of loveably quirky intellectual elitists for the bulk of act one before the second half allows the troubling nature of …


8 things Jimmy Fallon should know before doing the Polar Plunge
Filed under: alcoholic enabler

If you're a selfish coward like me, and raising money for a wonderful cause is not enough incentive to get your body to agree to the plunge, use that other tried-and-true enabler of irrational behavior: alcohol. Whether it's eating a whole White Castle …


Philip Seymour Hoffman autopsy reveals lethal mix of drugs
Filed under: alcoholic enabler

Alcoholism: Blind

Filed under: Alcoholism

Tap-tap. Tap-tap. The acute vibrations of the stick rattle through my arm. My senses work together, projecting a potential map of the surrounding terrain in my mind, and yet there is only the familiar darkness. An almost infinitesimal colour which would send most people spiralling into insanity. But


Is Hollywood Forty Eight Hour Miracle Diet Plan Secure
Filed under: Alcoholism

Alcoholi?m treatment b?gins whe? a single person who is addicted to li?uor starts accepting that he or ?he has f?ced the issues wit? alcoholism ?nd needs ther?py. Once he or s?e decides to keep away from alcohol for the sake of health, there starts the initial stage of alc?hol restoration. Today is


The Mental Health Care Act 2002 Is A Piece Of Ground-breaking Legislation That Is Unfortunately Not Covering Much Ground In The “real World”.
Filed under: Alcoholism

Mobile App May Help People Recovering From Alcohol Abuse: Study – Reuters

Mobile app may help people recovering from alcohol abuse: study – Reuters
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

Mobile app may help people recovering from alcohol abuse: study
He and his colleagues write in JAMA Psychiatry that only about one in four people recovering from alcohol abuse abstains from drinking alcohol during the first year of recovery. Past studies have found that continuing treatment for alcoholism is linked
Smartphone App May Help People Recover from

all 193 news articles »



Editorial: Effects of Four Loko, alcohol abuse cannot be sugarcoated – The Spokesman Review
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

LA Weekly

Editorial: Effects of Four Loko, alcohol abuse cannot be sugarcoated
The Spokesman Review
One Central Washington University student nearly died, and eight more were hospitalized in 2010 after consuming Four Loko, a caffeinated alcoholic beverage. Similar incidents were reported all over the country, and a few ended in fatal over-consumption.
Four Loko Maker to Stop Selling Caffeinated BoozeLA Weekly
Four Loko owner settles $ 400000 lawsuit, changes marketing campaignDaily Free Press (subscription)

all 17 news articles »

Alcoholism: Smartphone App May Help People Overcome Alcoholism –

Smartphone App May Help People Overcome Alcoholism –
Filed under: Alcoholism

Smartphone App May Help People Overcome Alcoholism
WEDNESDAY, March 26, 2014 (HealthDay News) — A smartphone application, or "app," designed to tackle addiction has helped recovering alcoholics stay sober or reduce their risky drinking, a new clinical trial reports. Participants using the A-CHESS app …
Smartphone App May Help People Recover from

all 177 news articles »



David Cassidy opens up about alcoholism – Orlando Sentinel (blog)
Filed under: Alcoholism

CNN International

David Cassidy opens up about alcoholism
Orlando Sentinel (blog)
David Cassidy is talking about his alcoholism in an exclusive interview with Closer Weekly. His photo decorates the cover with the headline "I'm lucky to be alive." "I am not ashamed, and alcohol does not define me," the 63-year-old "Partridge Family
Cassidy opens up about alcohol battleU.TV
David Cassidy: If I have another drink, I'll dieWonderwall
David Cassidy sits down for first magazine

all 47 news articles »

Residents Urged to Sign Up Online to Attend Community Forum on Ice

Signs Alcohol Addiction in the News

Residents urged to sign up online to attend community forum on ice
Filed under: signs alcohol addiction

… sign up online to attend community forum on ice. FILE PIC: A community forum will be held on Wednesday night to discuss the city's ice problem, and how the drug can affect members of the community. Tweet … Alcohol and other drugs outreach worker …


Spokane Community Court offers chronic offenders another chance
Filed under: signs alcohol addiction

It convenes at the downtown Spokane library, in the first-floor conference rooms. In one room, social service providers help people apply for housing assistance, sign up for insurance under the Affordable Care Act, seek treatment for drug or alcohol …


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