Posts Tagged ‘about’

Dad’s Way: A Tragic Tale About Growing Up in Rural America

Dad’s Way: A Tragic Tale about Growing Up in Rural America

New – An autobiography of a childhood to remember, and share with others; From overcoming child abuse and alcoholism to creating a new, improved life. Something different that keeps your interest going. Each page builds anticipation to the next chapter. This is one of the few books you’ll read cover to cover, then, read it again.

Price: $ 5.20
Sold by Alibris (UK)

100 Q&A About Alcoholism & Drug Addiction (100 Questi..

about alcoholism eBay auctions you should keep an eye on:

The Absolute Truth About Alcohol and Alcoholism

The Absolute Truth about Alcohol and Alcoholism

New – Do you, or a spouse, or a sibling, or a relative, or a friend, or a valued employee, have a problem with alcohol? Do you understand why and how you, or they, developed this problem? Do you understand your, or their, behavior when you or they are intoxicated? Do you know the truth about the ingredients of alcoholic beverages and how they effect the mind and body, and why? Do you know, or have any idea, what to do to help yourself or anyone else with a drinking problem? Would you like to kno

Price: $ 7.91
Sold by Alibris (UK)

Seven Weeks to Sobriety: The Proven Program to Fight Alcoholism through Nutrition
“Comprehensive, rational and personal. It suppplies much of what is missing in traditional approaches to alcoholic rehabilitation….

Alcohol and Alcoholism: Effects on Brain and Development
This is the first volume that focuses on the lifespan neurobehavioral factors likely to determine susceptibility to alcohol abuse …

A Great and Growing Evil?: The Medical Effects of Alcohol
This new report shows that no system in the body is immune to alcohol. It discusses the role of the medical profession in identifi…

I Want to Get Partial Custody Taken Away From My Daughters Father, How Do I Go About That?

Question by zeppelindream: I want to get partial custody taken away from my daughters father, how do i go about that?
My babies dad is paid up on child support but he is also a raging alcoholic. He doesnt even ask to take her, it is his girlfriend. And most of the time, he doesnt even watch her or spend time with her. His girlfriend has told me that he sits there looks at my daughter and says “you are not my child”. Any help is great.

Best answer:

Answer by redpeach_mi
go back to court. that’s all you can do.

What do you think? Answer below!

Let’s Talk About Alcoholism: Alcoholism as a Disease ..

Some recent alcoholism disease auctions on eBay:


Some recent child alcohol abuse auctions on eBay: