Posts Tagged ‘about’

How to Talk to an Alcoholic About Getting Help: Do I Have Avoidant Personality Disorder? Help, Please..?

Question by Xx dark skye xX: Do i have avoidant personality disorder? Help, please..?
Sorry this is kinda long, but i would appreciate it greatly if you could read this.

I am 14 years old.. I have basically self-diagnosed myself with depression since i was 10. But recently I feel empty, I’ve started avoiding phone calls, text messages, people at the door. My friends invite me to go out but i always decline, its not like i don’t want to go.. but i just can’t be bothered. Thats never happened to me before.

I haven’t cried for about a year or so. The last time i cried was when i found out that my parents have hepatitis c. I have had a somewhat traumatic life compared to people my age. I was almost raped when i was 12. My parents were both heavy alcoholics, my father an ex drug addict and smoker. Both my parents were quite neglectful towards me, especially my dad, whom i no longer care about. I have been bullied for most of my schooling life. I started cutting myself when i was 11, but i rarely do it now.

Alcoholism: Why Rick Perry Should Worry About Equating Homosexuality to Alcoholism – Advocate

Alcoholism: Why Rick Perry Should Worry About Equating Homosexuality to Alcoholism – Advocate
Rick Perry’s comparison of homosexuality to alcoholism could hurt his campaign if a recent example from Colorado of a similar misstep is a harbinger of things to come. The aspiring Republican presidential nominee wrote in his 2008 book, On My Honor: Why …
Alcoholism – Bing News

Alcoholism: ‘Good wine’ is Medvedev choice – Deccan Herald
Vodka-addicted Russians should develop a taste for good wine to tackle rampant alcoholism, President Dmitry Medvedev believes. In a country where more than 23,000 people die of alcohol abuse every year and where vodka accounts for 70 per cent of alcohol …
Alcoholism – Bing News

Alcoholism: Open verdict on alcoholic’s death – Rugby Observer
The inquest heard how divorced Miss Macintyre had struggled with alcoholism since the age of 15. A post mortem could not establish the cause of death due to the length of time before she was found, but traces of three drugs including ibuprofen were found …
Alcoholism – Bing News

Frequently Asked Questions About Alcoholism – Psych Centra

Alcoholism: Frequently Asked Questions about Alcoholism – Psych Centra
Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about alcoholism, and their answers. How can I have a drinking problem if I can hold my liquor? Anyone who drinks too much liquor in too short a time, with too little in their stomach, or with too little …
Alcoholism – Bing News

Alcoholism: From drinking to alcoholism – Times of Malta
The AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) fellow-ship is celebrating its 30th year of existence in Malta. Over these years it has worked in an all-embracing manner, enlisting various aspects of alcoholism without any reservation and assisting all those who had no …
Alcoholism – Bing News

More Alcoholism Information…

Emma Watson: I Didn’t Know About Daniel Radcliffe’s Alcoholism – Us Magazine

Alcoholism: Emma Watson: I Didn’t Know About Daniel Radcliffe’s Alcoholism – Us Magazine

ABC News

Emma Watson: I Didn't Know About Daniel Radcliffe's Alcoholism
Us Magazine
Harry Potter's Daniel Radcliffe recently opened up to GQ UK about his secret addiction to alcohol, but Emma Watson wasn't really aware of her costar's struggles. "To be honest, it's really not something that I genuinely know much about," she told David
Emma Watson Was Unaware of Daniel Radcliffe's
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 ReviewThe Film Pilgrim
Emma Watson: I had no idea Daniel Radcliffe battled alcohol
all 5,875 news articles »

Alcoholism – Google News

Alcoholism: The Word Treatment is Misleading – The Star-Ledger – (blog)

The Word Treatment is Misleading
The Star-Ledger – (blog)
However it was over 50 years ago in 1963, that the American Public Health Association adopted an official statement identifying alcoholism as a treatable illness. In 1960 EM Jellinek, declared alcoholism a disease – see below.
Alcohol, water sports can be deadly mix19 Action News

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Emma Watson: I Didn’t Know About Daniel Radcliffe’s Alcoholism

Alcoholism: Emma Watson: I Didn’t Know About Daniel Radcliffe’s Alcoholism
Harry Potter ‘s Daniel Radcliffe recently opened up to GQ UK about his secret addiction to alcohol, but Emma Watson wasn’t really aware of her costar’s struggles.
Alcoholism – Yahoo! News Search Results

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Alcohol Abuse: Scheme to Teach Wiltshire Kids About Alcohol Abuse – Corsham People

Alcohol Abuse: Scheme to Teach Wiltshire Kids About Alcohol Abuse – Corsham People

Scheme to Teach Wiltshire Kids About Alcohol Abuse
Corsham People
One part of the scheme will teach 10 and 11 year olds about alcohol abuse. Share your view about the Junior Good Citizen Scheme in the comment box below. Has it helped your child respond to the potential dangers they face every day?

and more »

Alcohol Abuse – Google News

Alcohol Abuse: Woman found in retail park died of alcohol abuse – Worcester News

Woman found in retail park died of alcohol abuse
Worcester News
Her death was then caused by a combination of being outside in the cold and natural disease, caused by alcohol abuse. On the day she died, Mrs Green was due to attend an appointment with probation after pleading guilty to stealing alcohol from two