Posts Tagged ‘about’

Q&A: Drugs… How Do You Feel About Them?

Question by UVSSR Leader (Vrarvist leader): Drugs… How do you feel about them?
Yes or no? Hundreds of great minds (Fictional or not) have taken drugs such as morphine. What do you believe? Do you believe drugs should be taken out of recreational use? Or possibly just for everyone. As the leader of the Vrarvist Party (Unknown but actually thinking) if we were instated in a government, all recreational use of drugs would be banned. Why do some people get to use drugs to help their, “Stress” while others just take it in? It’s a sign of weakness to have to use drugs to solve all of life’s problems, drugs should only be use for medicine. It sickens me to see people taking drugs to sleep or for depression. In my depression, I don’t take anything in but air and I exercise like my life depended on it. People get off in the hormones in food and the drugs that are full of things to manipulate happiness, while people like soldiers in great armies wouldn’t use it even if bombs were dropping above them and they were 1 step from cracking. Weakness or not? Answer at will with your free opinions (Banned under Vrarvist media laws so that free opinions cannot be shown on media outlets unless proper forms are filled out) nobody can stop you here.

The Truth About Rehab Recovery Statistics

The Truth About Rehab Recovery Statistics

An addiction to drugs or alcohol is incredibly resilient, and rehabs that boast of 80% or better success rates are either lying, or purposefully ignorant. These types of success rates are simply not currently possible, and any rehab that advertises such impressive figures should be regarded with great suspicions.

Why 40% is more likely than 80%

A relatively positive assessment of post rehab sobriety rates puts the figure at closer to a 40% success, and more conservative estimates have a figure even lower than that. Addiction is a disease, there is no cure, and all we can currently hope for is remission and symptoms management.

While a 40% or worse success rate is not particularly encouraging, a quality drug or alcohol rehab still does offer addicts in recovery the best chance at achieving sobriety, and although many may need to attend a rehab twice, three times or more throughout life, the price of doing nothing is unfortunately far worse.

Alcohol Detoxification Symptoms – the Things One Should Know About

Alcohol Detoxification Symptoms – The Things One Should Know About

Alcohol detoxification symptoms can be seen clearly from the people who undergo rehabilitation. There are many changes happening inside the body of the alcoholic and he may feel different. The alcohol detox symptoms can be rough and support of the family and friends to the person is highly appreciated. It is in these moments that he needs the moral support of his loved ones.

During detoxification process, those heavy drinkers are the one who will suffer severe alcohol detox symptoms such as hallucinations and seizures. These are very dangerous that there should be medical professionals that will assist the patient.Fr those who are less dependent to alcohol may suffer from nausea, shakes, headaches and elevated blood pressure. These symptoms will vary from one person to another with respect to their dependency to alcohol.
The worst thing that could happen that is associated with alcohol detoxification is Delirium Tremens. Hallucinations, confusion and severe hyperactivity which cannot be treated easily in just a short period of time are just few of the things that will occur. A detoxification center should be established to assist the people having these symptoms.

Educating Yourself About Alcohol and Drugs: A People’s Primer, Revised Edition

Educating Yourself about Alcohol and Drugs: A People’s Primer, Revised Edition

Used – One of the world’s leading authorities in the field of drug and alcohol abuse provides readers with the facts needed to answer the pressing questions an abuser must face, while evaluating the myriad resources available to those in need and walking the reader through each step toward recovery.

Price: $ 0.99
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Ethics-Talk – Ethics-Talk: The Greatest Good of Man Is Daily to Converse About Virtue

Ethics-Talk – Ethics-Talk: The Greatest Good of Man is Daily to Converse About Virtue
from Ethics-Talk: The Greatest Good of Man is Daily to Converse About Virtue
Price: USD 0
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Freemasonry Inside-Out: What the Masonic Ritual Is Really About.

Freemasonry Inside-Out: What the Masonic Ritual is really about.
Ex-Worshipful Master’s astonishing insight into the world of Freemasonry. ‘Freemasonry Inside Out’ is an authoritative, well argued, comprehensively sourced and an extremely well written account of the questionable purpose of the Masonic ritual.
Freemasonry Inside-Out: What the Masonic Ritual is really about.

CentsAbility an e-course on investing
To live the life you choose, you Must take charge of your financial life. When you have cash in hand, cash in the bank and cash in investments, you can live true to yourself and negotiate your life. Learn Investing Basics with CentsAbility
CentsAbility an e-course on investing