Archive for the ‘Signs of Alcoholism’ Category

Explain to Me…?

Question by rhea: Explain to me…?
what you think about se before marriage with the person your not even sure wouldnt leave you one day. That just might not cope with you. Or that MIGHT just hurt you in the end.

And one more thing, is someone whose a virgin till their one true love…seem weak and helpless??
sorry, se…I forgot the x
Is it wrong to want to choose carefully? Becuz your afraid to get hurt?
Is it better to go out with every nice guy one finds? Or wait properly to settle down with only one?
One guy said i was weak for waiting, thats actually why I’m asking. Some of my friends arent virgins any more, and they said its not worth of me to wait.

They asked if I’d rather have better sex or better love?

Is it really true I cant have both?

The Signs of Alcoholism: Father Chalk on Alcoholism – Posted by @todmaffin

Father Chalk on Alcoholism – posted by @todmaffin

This deceptively simple explanation of alcoholism will give you a much stronger idea of why alcoholics drink and how they get better. MORE youtube: http://yo…


Tripping in LSD's Birthplace: A Story for “Bicycle Day”
Filed under: the signs of alcoholism

Buildings, cars, trees, signs, everything looked streamlined, gorgeous, opulent, bathed in glycerin, and aroused in me a tactile, feathery pleasure. As we rounded a cobblestoned corner, a silver Porsche glided … According to Halpern's preliminary …


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How Can a Doctor Determine if I Have IBS?

Question by Dazzling by Design®: How can a doctor determine if I have IBS?
What sort of test can he/she perform to determine whether I have IBS?

Best answer:

Answer by Stephen Paul
Based on your symptoms and description. Tests are only for ruling out more serious bowel disease which are not that case in 90% of the cases!

Add your own answer in the comments!

Sickle cell disease: the forgotten survivors
Filed under: disease symptoms and diagnosis

For Clarence's parents, the diagnosis meant that what they had thought was colic, or “just hollering,” was real pain. Now they knew when to take him to the hospital, where he received care they were satisfied with; pediatricians, after all, were …


Classifying gum disease genetically could help earlier diagnosis and treatment
Filed under: disease symptoms and diagnosis

Signs of an Alcohol Problem: When Would You Consider It a Drinking Problem?

Question by : When would you consider it a drinking problem?
when you start drinking alone? when alcohol comes before friends/bills? when?

Best answer:

Answer by jesse
..when it starts ruining your life..thats when youll know but don’t let it get to that. Safe drinking!

What do you think? Answer below!

Recent violence in Dover a bad rap for hip-hop?
Filed under: signs of an alcohol problem

Mr. Bell attributes the problems more to youth and alcohol, which are often tied together at parties of all kinds. “Hip-hop is from the streets, and while typically people who like hip-hop aren't gangsters or thugs, young people and kids that age don't …


ND man arrested on DUI charge following car crash
Filed under: signs of an alcohol problem

Signs and Symptoms of Alcohol: I Need to Know What Causes Diabetic Shock and What Happens When in It?

Question by ?Waldo?: i need to know what causes diabetic shock and what happens when in it?

Best answer:

Answer by misukita
Diabetic shock: Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) associated with diabetes. Symptoms include a sweet, chemical odor on the patient’s breath that is similar to that of acetone or alcohol (“acetone breath”), fatigue, light-headedness or fainting, and often reddening of the skin if the patient is Caucasian. Immediate treatment is administration of glucose in a prescription sub-lingual form, or even in the form of hard candy if nothing else is available. Patients with diabetes and their families should learn the early warning signs of hypoglycemia and carry glucose tablets for emergency use. Patients in a state of diabetic shock should also be evaluated medically immediately after emergency treatment. Changes in diet, medication, or insulin administration can then be used to prevent future episodes.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Addiction Treatment and Addiction Help Through Hypnosis

Addiction Treatment and Addiction Help through Hypnosis Hypnosis has helped many people get past their addictions. Addiction treatment is a hard thing to go through recovery from a…


Victor Dominocielo: The Placebo Effect — It's Not Just a Little White Pill
Filed under: alcohol physical symptoms

What's going on is a self-fulfilling prophecy: The healer is telling you that this procedure will make you well and you very much want to be well, so your body rallies, physically and psychologically, to that end and a placebo improvement occurs …


Re S (A Child) [2014] EWCC B44 (Fam)
Filed under: alcohol physical symptoms

But by way of illustration, it may be appropriate in drug abuse/alcohol abuse cases or cases involving parental mental ill-health to consider an extension beyond 26 weeks to see if a parent can make changes within the child's timescales. However …