
Filed under: Alcoholism

I used to be a heroin addict. I was a mess. I had let the drug become the most important thing in my life. It was above food, family, friends, and even myself. Part of my addiction was physical, which in itself is a nightmare. Imagine you had the worst flu of your life; you’re bones and muscles ache


April: Alcohol Awareness Month
Filed under: Alcoholism

Contributed by Kimberly Yates, UNC Carpe Diem Not everybody likes to be the designated driver. You’re signing yourself up for a night of sobriety while your friends let the stress of the week dry up like the drops left in bottles that they seem to leave in their wake. By the end of the night, you mi


Monet, Picasso and Modigliani lead Christie’s Impressionist and Modern sale in New York, May 2014
Filed under: Alcoholism

Alcohol Abuse: Understanding the Consequences During Alcohol Awareness Month

Understanding the consequences during Alcohol Awareness Month
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

April is Alcohol Awareness Month, and experts are hoping to educate people about the consequences. Carmella Mataloni has the details.


Michigan Liquor Control Commission Approves TIPS Online Alcohol Server Training Program
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

ARLINGTON, Va. , April 21, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — Health Communications, Inc. (HCI) today announced that eTIPS On Premise – Michigan, an online responsible alcohol training and certification program, was …


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The Signs of Alcoholism: Father Chalk on Alcoholism – Posted by @todmaffin

Father Chalk on Alcoholism – posted by @todmaffin

This deceptively simple explanation of alcoholism will give you a much stronger idea of why alcoholics drink and how they get better. MORE youtube: http://yo…


Tripping in LSD's Birthplace: A Story for “Bicycle Day”
Filed under: the signs of alcoholism

Buildings, cars, trees, signs, everything looked streamlined, gorgeous, opulent, bathed in glycerin, and aroused in me a tactile, feathery pleasure. As we rounded a cobblestoned corner, a silver Porsche glided … According to Halpern's preliminary …


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Alcohol Killed Vernon Man

Chronic Alcoholism in the News

Alcohol killed Vernon man
Filed under: chronic alcoholism

Fergus, 47, was discovered by a passerby, lying deceased in front of a park bench in Polson Park in Vernon shortly before 10 p.m. on Sept 26, 2012. The coroner's report also stated chronic alcoholism and cardiovascular disease contributed to his death.


About Chemical Dependency Treatment 1-800-303-2938

Chemical dependency is simply a phrase that is used to describe a condition whereby an individual is highly addicted to a chemical substance. Call 1-800-303-…


More Chronic Alcoholism Information…

Alcoholic Advice: Makers of Caffeinated Alcoholic Beverages Settle With State AGs

Alcoholic Advice in the News

Makers Of Caffeinated Alcoholic Beverages Settle With State AGs
Filed under: alcoholic advice

FDA banned caffeine in alcoholic beverages in 2010 and continues to take interest in regulating caffeine as a food additive. The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought …


Explore: Avoid alcohol and drug abuse
Filed under: alcoholic advice

The book of Proverbs provides practical advice about the abuse of alcohol. The broader application includes the abuse of illegal drugs. The problem is—as it always has been—that knowing something is wrong rarely compels one to do what is right.


Trader remanded over fake alcoholic drinks.
Filed under: alcoholic advice

Dangerous Consequences of Too Much Stress at Work

Dangerous Consequences of Too Much Stress At Work
Filed under: Alcoholism

Stress is part of the everyday lives of men. While many are stressed with school work or with intensely emotional life events, most men associate stress with work. Stress at work is one of the most common and the most serious problems for men who have jobs. According to a survey, men suffer from ext


ScienceDaily: Health & Medicine News
Filed under: Alcoholism

ScienceDaily: Health & Medicine News Counterfeit contraceptives found in South America Treating depression in Parkinson’s Disease patients: New research Researchers rethink ‘natural’ habitat for wildlife MRI, on a molecular scale: System could one day peer into the atomic structure of individual mol


The Impact of Alcoholism on the Family Unit
Filed under: Alcoholism