Helping an Alcoholic Friend: Alicia Alampi Indicted on Vehicular Manslaughter Charge in Hit-and-Run Near

Helping An Alcoholic Friend in the News

Alicia Alampi indicted on vehicular manslaughter charge in hit-and-run near
Filed under: helping an alcoholic friend

She had bloodshot eyes, slurred speech and the smell of an alcoholic beverage coming from her breath, police noted. Alampi's … He routinely walked from Liverpool to his job at Biscoti Cafe on North Salina Street in Syracuse, a friend told


Gossip: Everyone has a word for it
Filed under: helping an alcoholic friend

Proverbs, written by that wisest of men, Solomon, abounds with admonitions for those of us possessing careless tongues: “A troublemaker plants seeds of strife; gossip separates the best of friends” … “A gossip goes around telling secrets but those …


Dan Harmon Projects
Filed under: helping an alcoholic friend

Art City Substance Abuse Prevention Focuses on Underage Drinking

Alcohol Abuse Problems in the News

Art City Substance Abuse Prevention focuses on underage drinking
Filed under: alcohol abuse problems

“The results of the Student Health and Risk Protection (SHARP) survey showed us there is a specific problem with underage drinking,” Acor said. “The SHARP survey showed that while drinking among 12th-graders has gone down this past year, drinking is up …


Scenes from Floyd County, Kentucky
Filed under: alcohol abuse problems

Thanks to the law, substance abuse and mental health treatment coverage is mandatory for Medicaid and private insurance policies, and treatment must be comparable to that provided for other medical problems. For the addicts and alcoholics among the …


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Alcoholism: The Words of Carl Rogers

The Words of Carl Rogers
Filed under: Alcoholism

Today I am grateful for both the formal education I have received in my lifetime and the informal education that is day to day living itself. Dr. Tara Brach’s book Radical Acceptance has this quote from Carl Rogers: “The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.”


Drunktown’s Finest – Sundance London Review
Filed under: Alcoholism

There have been films in the past that have often shown the Native Americans in often a negative light and most have been in Westerns. Over the years, they have begun to show them in a more positive light by white directors who use it as a way to show how badly we treated them in history. There has


Unit 4
Filed under: Alcoholism

Alcohol Abuse: Narconon Louisiana New Life Retreat Stresses the Dangers of Alcohol Abuse During Alcohol Awareness Month With Display …

Narconon Louisiana New Life Retreat Stresses the Dangers of Alcohol Abuse During Alcohol Awareness Month with Display …
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

Narconon Louisiana stresses the dangers of alcohol abuse through a display depicting statistics and facts about alcohol use In Louisiana. The display will be available all month long and is designed to show the real effects of alcohol abuse on the community. (PRWeb April 24, 2014) Read the full story at


April is alcohol awareness month
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

In Hood River County most of us are well aware of the positive contributions that the alcohol industry brings to our community. It is one of the county’s largest employers, a significant contributor to many of our nonprofits and an industry that brings thousands of tourists and millions of dollars to the community each year. It is a beverage that brings enjoyment and physical health benefits to …

My Way Out of Hell, Not the Hell After Death, What Are Your Thoughts?

Question by Ken: My way out of Hell, not the Hell after death, What are your thoughts?
Hell- Not a place after death. Not a place of burning fire and lava. But a emotion that is always motive that will continue. Hell is the symptom that causes depression. And where there lies depression are problems. This Hell is refered to clinical depression, that causes this sympton.

Problems that others may have similiar but not exact. These problems are what makes you unique. Not to be rude. But the problems never end and sometimes you got to figure out. figure out how to describe to yourself what your problem is. Work with it. But not everyone can solve that problem and will need to ask for help. But the problem is not what problem is now. Your problem now is getting the help you need to satisfy your need whatever it may be. But someone isn’t always going to be able to help you with your problem, you must go back to step one and desribe to yourself what your problem is.

Alcoholism Center: Drug Abuse Center Little Rock | Intervention in Little Rock AR | Drug Abuse Center Little Rock

Drug Abuse Center Little Rock | Intervention in Little Rock AR | Drug Abuse Center Little Rock Alcohol Treatment Center Little Rock are adapted to maintain the treatment proc…


Morningside ends another legal fight
Filed under: alcoholism center

The California Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs argued that Morningside essentially combined its seven sober-living homes in Newport Beach and Costa Mesa with three licensed rehab homes and an outpatient treatment center in Costa Mesa to …


Family: U. of Utah's sperm swap probe was 'biased … incomplete'
Filed under: alcoholism center

A Texas family at the center of the University of Utah's investigation of a deceased fertility clinic worker said Thursday that the report is tainted by the U.'s involvement and reiterated a desire to have other former clients notified. John and Pamela …