Archive for the ‘Alcohol Abuse’ Category

Panel Educates Parents About Teen Alcohol and Substance Abuse Issues

Panel educates parents about teen alcohol and substance abuse issues
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

SOUTH GLENS FALLS — Marijuana and alcohol are equally easy to obtain, and a growing problem in schools is abuse of “hydros,” short for the pain reliever, hydrocodone, according to a panel of South Glens Falls Senior High School students.


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Lindsay Lohan Alcohol Abuse: Police Arrest 2 Men, 2 Boys in Alleged Sex Assaults on Young Girl

Lindsay Lohan Alcohol Abuse in the News

Police Arrest 2 Men, 2 Boys In Alleged Sex Assaults On Young Girl
Filed under: lindsay lohan alcohol abuse

Irony wins again. Wendler was arrested for allegedly driving under the influence (for the sixth time) while wearing a <a href="" target="_blank">"Been Drinking?


Lindsay Lohan Admits How She 'Screwed Up' During Her Recovery Process
Filed under: lindsay lohan alcohol abuse

Even though she denies drinking on her trip to Los Angeles, Lohan does admit to something else: She did drink alcohol one month earlier. "I jumped right into a relationship where we weren't on the same page. I wasn't considering the fact that the …


Canadian Woman Raped In Paris, Police Officers Arrested
Filed under: lindsay lohan alcohol abuse

Irony wins again. Wendler was arrested for allegedly driving under the influence (for the sixth time) while wearing a <a href="" target="_blank">"Been Drinking?

‘Plan for a Healthier Tomorrow’ Seeks to Address Alcohol Abuse Issues – Ashland DAily Press

‘Plan for a Healthier Tomorrow’ seeks to address alcohol abuse issues – Ashland DAily Press
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

'Plan for a Healthier Tomorrow' seeks to address alcohol abuse issues
Ashland DAily Press
It should come as no surprise that Ashland and Bayfield Counties have a drinking problem. In Ashland County, the percentage of people who self-identify as heavy drinkers (more than two drinks a day for men, more than one drink a day for women) is 21.6 …



Boomers Face A Higher Risk Of Alcohol Abuse – Huffington Post
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

Boomers Face A Higher Risk Of Alcohol Abuse
Huffington Post
You're at 14 a week, “so you've doubled what [the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism] is suggesting is low-risk drinking. That's pretty significant.” (Assess your own risk level by taking the quiz at the NIAAA's Rethinking Drinking
Alcohol Awareness Month Message Being Heeded By Newtown Youth Year The Newtown Bee
Parents Key in Preventing Underage DrinkingThe Roundup

all 10 news articles »

Art City Substance Abuse Prevention Focuses on Underage Drinking

Alcohol Abuse Problems in the News

Art City Substance Abuse Prevention focuses on underage drinking
Filed under: alcohol abuse problems

“The results of the Student Health and Risk Protection (SHARP) survey showed us there is a specific problem with underage drinking,” Acor said. “The SHARP survey showed that while drinking among 12th-graders has gone down this past year, drinking is up …


Scenes from Floyd County, Kentucky
Filed under: alcohol abuse problems

Thanks to the law, substance abuse and mental health treatment coverage is mandatory for Medicaid and private insurance policies, and treatment must be comparable to that provided for other medical problems. For the addicts and alcoholics among the …


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Alcohol Abuse: Narconon Louisiana New Life Retreat Stresses the Dangers of Alcohol Abuse During Alcohol Awareness Month With Display …

Narconon Louisiana New Life Retreat Stresses the Dangers of Alcohol Abuse During Alcohol Awareness Month with Display …
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

Narconon Louisiana stresses the dangers of alcohol abuse through a display depicting statistics and facts about alcohol use In Louisiana. The display will be available all month long and is designed to show the real effects of alcohol abuse on the community. (PRWeb April 24, 2014) Read the full story at


April is alcohol awareness month
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

In Hood River County most of us are well aware of the positive contributions that the alcohol industry brings to our community. It is one of the county’s largest employers, a significant contributor to many of our nonprofits and an industry that brings thousands of tourists and millions of dollars to the community each year. It is a beverage that brings enjoyment and physical health benefits to …

Alcohol Abuse Canada: Drunk Walk Down Morningside

Drunk walk down morningside

This video was uploaded from an Android phone.


Which airline has the rudest staff?
Filed under: alcohol abuse canada

Fourteen per cent of voters in the survey, carried out by the website, found Air Canada the second worst performer for customer service, followed in third place by Frontier, a low-cost operator based in Denver, which garnered 11 per …


Prevention key to addressing drug abuse
Filed under: alcohol abuse canada

While documented figures and research on substance abuse in Lebanon are scarce, in 2012 the Social Affairs Ministry recognized 24,000 young Lebanese as drug addicts in need of treatment. In Lebanon, fighting the war on drugs is divvied up, with the …


Northern research must be directed, informed by northerners, Polar Commission
Filed under: alcohol abuse canada