3 Year-Old Barely Talking and Humming Words?
Question by Lasca: 3 year-old barely talking and humming words?
My boyfriend’s son is 3, almost 4, and it’s very noticable his speech is delayed. Only recently has he started to say “daddy” (although it sounds more like “nanny”). He says very few words: “mama”, “daddy”, “yeah”, “no”, “uh-oh”, and “wal-mart”.
Thank goodness he also signs! He started signing long before he started talking, and everyone has been trying to encourage him to talk more than sign. “use your big boy words” is what everyone tells him. And he does try. But it’s very noticable that he hums a lot of his words.
So for instance:
He’ll sign saying he wants a drink
Dad: say “drink”
Son: (humming that sounds like “drink”)
Dad: Say “please”
Son: (signs please)
Dad: Use your big boy words
Son: (signs “please” and humming that sounds like “please”)
But it’s more than just the words he signs that he hums. He hums people’s names when he calls them (except mama and daddy). It’s like he’s trying to talk, but he’s not opening his mouth.
I’m concerned for him. I know I’m not his parent, but in the 2 years I’ve been dating this little boy’s dad I’ve become very fond of this little tyke and want the best for him. His dad has asked his mom to take him to a specialist, but she refuses and says his doctors think he’s fine. Also, I worry that it might be due to a bit of a hearing problem. You see, his ears aren’t shaped correctly. They stick out from his head at a 90 degree angle, and there’s no ridges on the inside like normal. They’re very rounded and bowl shaped. I know he has problems with high pitched noises, and will scream and cover his ears when buzzers or timers go off.
I’m just curious to know if anyone else’s child has been thru this, or if it’s reason to be concerned. Again, I know I’m not his parent but if there’s reason to be concerned, I’d like to urge his dad to be more proactive.
Best answer:
Answer by Mrs.Le
getting him checked isn’t a bad idea.
but my cousin didn’t start talking lots til 5. he doesn’t be quiet now. lol. sometimes its very normal. every kid is diffrent. try and get playdates fo him to hang with kids his age often and it’ll stimulate his desire to communicate when thei not understanding him.
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