Why Do People Hate Smokers Yet Alcohol Is a Fashion Statement?

Question by Ali George: Why do people hate smokers yet alcohol is a fashion statement?
I hate how when someone mentions that they smoke they’re met with a barrage of insults and patronising warnings of “DONT SMOKE! YOU WILL DIE!” or “SMOKING IS A DRUG” when alcoholism is enocouraged to the point where every other advert on TV is about drinking fashionably at parties or clubs. Is alcohol not a drug? Does alcohol not cause cancer, or liver failure or simply fatal accidents (e.g; drink-driving)? Why is smoking such a deadly sin while alcohol is ambrosia to the masses?!

Best answer:

Answer by Kaleb
ok beer and wine and ect. can kill you way faster than smoking… i smoke….. ive been smoking longer than i can remember now… it will kill over a period of like 80 years… and most people start in their teens, and who wants to be like 99 when you cant even move or anything? and they dont have a legimit reason to make alchohol praised and cigs shunned…. alchohol jsut looks cooler i guess

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