Coffee Cup Salute: RI Council on Alcoholism
We salute the RI Council on Alcoholism on their 41st annual Community Service Awards, Sept. 16 at West Valley Inn. Call 725-0410.
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I’ve had SOOOO many request so if I forget or if in 1 month you don’t see a video on your Topic let me know, remind me. I try at least to do 1 video per week which is great. Anyway someone requested a Video on Alcoholism which is just a Symptom of a underlying problem. All addicts MYSELF included though I’ve gotten way better than years ago they use to escape the harsh realities of life. If doesn’t have to be Alcohol for this to be effective. Just whenever I mention the word Alcohol REPLACE IT with the SUBSTANCE YOU’RE addicted to like for me it would be Pain Killers for instance though I’ve improved greatly. I just speaking for myself like 5 days out of a week would pop 25-30 Percocet, Vicodin, Oxycontin…etc. I tried rehab like 5 times even Hypnosis. For me going to a Methadone Clinic EVERYDAY was the ONLY way I could be clean. No there is NOTHING wrong with Methadone Clinics they do work you are under a Doctors care. I won’t get into that. Anyway like most illnesses Addiction to anything is Genetic. It is also a DISEASE a MEDICAL PROBLEM. You are not a “Bad Person” a “Weak Person” and all that crap society tries to say you are due to a ILLNESS. Anyway enjoy recovery, Ed. Video Link My Facebook My Myspace My Fanpage
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