Detoxification in Alcoholism
Detoxification in Alcoholism
Many people drink alcohol for so many reasons. They enjoy moderate amounts of alcohol. Many adults and teenagers have a dangerous drinking habit that includes heavy drinking and regular basis drinking that later on develops into alcohol addiction. There are millions of teens and adults that are alcoholic and needs to be rehabilitated. With the teens, it started as a curiosity for them, as more and more alcohol that they drink, they develop the tolerance. Alcohol abusers that have tolerance in alcohol may not appear to be drunk and many can hide their state of addiction. As alcohol abuse continues for many years, the physical condition of the body will deteriorate and may lead to serious consequences such as having problems at home, school and work.
Alcoholism also called alcohol dependence is an addictive disorder characterized by obsessive and uncontrolled consumption of alcohol in spite of its negative effects on health. Most alcoholics deny the fact that they are alcoholics that’s why they’re not seeking any medical treatment. Others do not want to talk about their drinking problem. As long as you do not acknowledge that you are an alcoholic, the problem with alcoholism will not be solved. Seeking medical help can help you break the habit of this addiction.
The main obstacle that you have to face when seeking medical help and is withdrawal symptom. These symptoms includes anxiety, agitation, auditory disturbances, nausea, vomiting, clouding of the sensorium, seizures, delirium, tactile disturbances, diaphoresis, tremor, increased vital signs, visual disturbances and craving for alcohol. Today, one of the most used treatment for alcoholism is detoxification. Detoxification is cleaning the body from all the toxins ingested. It is conducted in an out-patient or in patient setting. It includes abstinence from alcohol in a controlled set up with close monitoring of vital signs and withdrawal symptoms. The process takes about three to seven day for dependency on alcohol that is psychological rather than physical or chemical. In order to prevent withdrawal symptoms medications are given to the patient. The most commonly used medication for detoxification is chordiazepoxide. During the first day of the treatment high doses of medication is given for you to stop drinking alcohol. After several days it is reduced to lesser dose. You must agree no to drink when under the treatment. Even if you do that there is a tool that the doctor can detect it. The support of your family and friends will be a great help when going through a detoxification program.
After a successful treatment, some people still go back with the habits of drinking. Doctors can give you medications for several months that will help you to keep off from drinking. Acamprosate is a medicine that helps stop the cravings for alcohol. Another one is Disulfiram. By taking it, you will experience unpleasant effects if you try to drink alcohol. Counseling can also help and other support groups to keep you away from drinking again. If you go back in heavy drinking again, you can always try to cut it down until you stop for good. It is not easy to stop ones craving but there is always a room for improvement and change. Determination and the will to go away to alcohol will help you.
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