Mental Health Rehabilitation Information, Terms and Its Most Likely Victims
Mental Health Rehabilitation Information, Terms and Its Most Likely Victims
Mental health disorders encompass a number of mental health issues. The definition of mental health according to the World Health Organization is as stated “a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community”.
The above definition sounds perplexing and confusing.; and may leave one with no concrete definition as to who’s mentally healthy and who’s not. However, we do suspect that the definition is subjective and there are many ingredients that play a major role in the assessment of mental health behavior. In this article, we will make references to a few different kinds of mental health disorders and who’s a more likely candidate to experience mental health behaviors.
What is mental abuse? I’m pretty sure we’ve all heard that old adage; sticks and stones may break your bones but words will never hurt you. If that were the case then what is mental abuse? Mental abuse is exactly what is sounds like, however, there are non-verbal forms of mental abuse… that can be just as detrimental as physical abuse. If you are hearing negative comments like you’re “dumb”, “over -weight” “unattractive” or “worthless” chances are you are victim of mental abuse.
What is Depression? The medical profession uses the word depression as a term that describe the way that you feel about yourself. Here are a few characteristics of depression E.g. dejected, despondent , and pessimistic to name a few. Depression can also make you feel useless, like there is no tomorrow. It is a miserable and unhappy feeling. Depression can affect the most aggressive or the timid and shy. It crosses all boundaries; color, age, social economic, or fame. Diathesis-stress model and biopsychosocial model, are two terms that best explain the levels of despression.
What is Physical Abuse? Physical abuse is usually performed by a person that has suffered from mental illness. Many times it’s encouraged when drinking excessively,high on drug or if that person was a victim of past physical abuse. Unlike mental abuse that may go UN-noticed by friends or family members, physical abuse is often times detected mainly because of the evidence of the attack. Physical abuse often times leave it’s victims seriously wounded or dead.
Below are a few commonalities of persons that may have a higher increased chance of being physically abused:
1.If your significant other is a substance or alcohol abuser
2.If you were physically abused as a child or adult
3.If you come from a family of abusers
4.If you have low self-worth or low self-esteem
5.If you’re a single mother with low finances or unemployed.
Without doubt these are just a few of the most recognized mental health disorders. Mental and substance abusers that want help, it’s available in almost every community. There are medical health facilities that can assist any persons that are experiencing any of the above symptoms.
If you or a loved one are struggling with mental health issues…. if you are not feeling like yourself,or if you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, seek profession help. If you are in the Kinston NC area Call Comprehensive Solutions Of NC @ 252-523-2600
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