Top 10 Signs Your Addicted to eBay

Top 10 Signs Your Addicted to eBay

There are literally millions of people that are striving each and everyday to make an easy buck online. The idea of making money online and especially, making money on eBay, is not new. In fact, the eBay market is a little too saturated if you ask me.

With all the nail-biting, finger-clawing, head to head competition for bids on eBay, I thought it would be nice to take a step back and poke some fun at the eBay rush. Below is a list of the top 10 signs that your addicted to eBay. Anyone that uses, or has used eBay will be able to appreciate the truth behind the list.

The Top 10 Signs Your Addicted to eBay!

10. You consider selling the piece of chewing gum you found on your shoe.

9. You apply for a new loan and give your pay pal address as your only bank account.

8. You’ve taken down the degree and awards in your office to be replaced by self made power seller print-outs.

7. You save all your toe-nail clippings in a jar, hoping that one day they may be worth a small fortune.

6. You wear the same underwear for a week, waiting for your chance to outbid “gstring-guru” on a pair of used designer briefs.

5. You spend several hours a day trying to burn the face of Mary onto pieces of French Toast.

4. You’ve marked 87 separate – 2 inch sections on your body that can be sold as advertising space to the highest bidder.

3. You’ve lost so much sleep due to bidding wars that you are chosen as Christian Bale’s replacement in The Machinist II.

2. You have to see a therapist because the negative feedback you got is killing your self esteem.

And the number 1 sign that you use eBay way too much,

1. You go to the county registrar and change your legal name to your eBay User ID.

While this list is meant to be a spoof on the David Letterman top 10 lists, the truth behind the humor is meant to hit home. eBay, like many other online sites have both good and bad users, many of which are out to take your money and run.

When you are using eBay, be sure to check the seller and buyer feedback prior to bidding. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, or insist that the seller “prove” the authenticity of their product. In the end, if you have any doubts about bidding on an item, walk away. Most things people bid on are not needed and definitely not worth taking the risk of being ripped off.

Joshua Watson is the author of How To Guides and Make Money on eBay. If you like this article, please take a look at the other sites and share your feedback.

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