Signs and Symptoms of Heart Attack
Signs and Symptoms of Heart Attack
When we discuss symptoms of a heart attack, note that experiencing some of them does not for sure, indicate that you are going to have a heart attack. Only the medical diagnosis can do so. Because of this, many people hesitate asking for help. They find it embarrassing, being taken to the hospital or the emergency room and finding that there is nothing. However considering the seriousness of the issue you should leave behind the embarrassment and ask for help immediately when you experiencing the signs and symptoms of heart attack. Some of them are discussed below.
Digestive disturbance can be a symptom of a heart attack. You may also feel an increased pressure on the heart while it is pumping blood. Both these symptoms are very mild and therefore many times they are ignored.
The symptoms of heart attack can vary from person to person. For example, generally crushing pain is experienced between the shoulder blades in men. However, symptoms of heart attack in women include mild pain between in between the shoulder blades. This is actually an atypical symptom.
Angina pectoris, which is also called “Angina”, is the precursor of heart attack. In this condition the patient experiences increase in heartbeats during physical exertion, emotionally charged situation, a big meal, mental stress, cold weather etc. in these situations heart requires more oxygen, however the heart blocking creates a problem. Therefore, you may experience pain in your heart. Generally, this condition lasts for about 15 minutes. If it lasts longer, this should be definitely considered to be a symptom of heart attack.
Dizziness is one of the common symptoms of heart attack. However, the heart attacks would generally occur during 4:00AM to 10:00 AM when you are already dizzy. However, dizziness during the other times of the day, as well without any reason may be associated with a heart attack in the future. This is true especially when the dizziness continues for some days.
Apart from these warning signs, the typical symptoms of a heart attack include squeezing or/and burning pain in the middle of his chest. Some patients also experience terrible pressure in this part. In some cases, the pain also reaches neck jaw, shoulder, arm, lower part of arm, and back. The pain is generally associated with sweating, weakness, dizziness, and shortness of breath. If you experience these symptoms, it is advised to get medical help immediately.
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