Paltalk News – Curing Your Addiction
Most doctors write books about maladies they treat based on their experiences with patients. But Dr. Olivier Ameisen’s book, The End Of My Addiction, is about his own personal fight with alcoholism and how he found, if not a cure, a way to be disease free. Ameisen, my guest today on News Talk Online on, talked about how he took the drug baclofen, which was developed to obviate muscle spasms, and used it to end his craving for alcohol. It also, he said, ended his underlying anxieties which led to his alcohol abuse. Some 300 people die as a result of alcoholism every day in the United States alone. More people, Ameisen says, than the number who die of any single type of cancer daily. Alcoholism, he says, affects 10 percent of the population. Ameisen says the problem, until now, in the treatment of alcoholism, is that it hasn’t been approached much as a medical problem but more as a psychological illness. But he’s found that this now brings new medical treatment, and new hope, to alcoholics and those addicted to other substances. Hope that, he believe
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