Can This Help You?

Question by grannywinkie: Can this help you?
My precious niece sent me information on al-anon. Wow. The greatest information so far is to show your alcoholic love and be kind to him/her. Do not put them down and be there to let them know that you care. However of course, do not give in to his/her request for money and do not let the person put shame or guilt on to you. You are doing nothing wrong and you must live your life. Alcoholics must fend for themselves. Any “help” from us can hurt them and prolong their disease. Reminding yourself that he/she has a disease, and like when you have the flu, the person is so ill that he must hit bottom. We have no control over diseases, prayer is the only answer. So love the person. I love the people but hate-hate-hate the disease and all of the damage it does to so many individuals, family and friends. Will you please use this inforamtion for yourself?

Best answer:

Answer by DrIG
Thank you. The information will help others but not me.

I do not drink alcoholic beverages. I have never and never will.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!