MS0701 BM0624 Storyboarding ICA4 Grp 6
BM0624 Storyboarding ICA4 Written Proposal MS0701 Group 6 : Isaac Gerald Netto Kristopher Ngian Alethea Goh Hasmidah Hamid I Try — Macy Gray When we first embarked on this ICA, we spent hours mulling over the lyrics of the song, and we decided on a concept that is a complete deviation from the conventional lost love and broken relationships concept. We will be using our music video to send a message to viewers, and we feel that the lyrics of the song, as well as its mood and tempo, will allow for and tie in nicely with our concept. In our music video, our lead actress will be playing the role of an alcoholic. Due to the fact that excessive drinking affects judgement and consciousness, she caused the death of her fiancĂ© when they were caught in a car crash because she was drink-driving. Thereafter she felt guilty, lost and lonely, and she turned to more drinking in order to drown her sorrows. However, this action merely caused her to experience further depressions, hallucinations and self-neglect. The message we want to send across to our viewers is that alcoholism is a sickness that can be cured and a bad habit that can be kicked. There will be no fairytale ending in our music video because reality is never a fairytale. Instead, viewers will get to see the implications and consequences of alcoholism, and alcohol addicts can decide for themselves if it is wiser for them to kick the addiction. According to official statistics found on the Singapore Traffic Police website …
Trailer for the upcoming film, THE CAPTAIN Visit our Kickstarter page: The Captain is an intimate portrait of a polygamous family on the Kenyan shores of Lake Victoria. Okech, the patriarch, struggles to evade fisheries officers and provide for his family using illegal fishing nets, while his wives, Rose and Perez, grapple with the consequences of alcoholism, infidelity, and HIV infection. The Captain presents a unique and holistic view of modern poverty through one family’s relationship with the environment, health, and personal responsibility. Coming soon with your support